(Fluff/Angst??) March pt. 2

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You rode through the carriage with Aunt March in the middle of you and Amy, and let me tell you, it is such a bore. You had your chin propped up on your fist as you watch bystander by bystander.

"The Decadents have ruined Paris, if you ask me," Aunt March spoke suddenly, though you chose to ignore, "These French women couldn't lift a hairbrush."

It seems she noticed no-one was listening.

She cleared her throat, "Amy! Y/n!"



"I said, these French women couldn't lift a hairbrush," She repeats, making Amy force a smile while you only turned away.

"Oh, yes," Amy nods, "Very true, Aunt March," She forced a laugh.

"Oh, don't humor me, girl," Aunt March's mood slowly crumbled into an annoyed one, "And Y/n, be a respectful woman! Atleast give me acknowledgement."

She scoffed when you kept your head turned away, mocking her when she couldn't see. To make things clear, you weren't fond of Aunt March.

She was strict and didn't believe in proper love. She always pressured you into marrying an obscenely rich man. You tried to delay it for as long as possible.

"What do they write, your troublemaking family?"

"Mother doesn't say anything about Beth. I feel I should go back," Amy sighed, you were both worried sick about Beth. You hadn't heard from her in a while.

"I think we should, actually," Aunt March scoffs at that, "I think it would be proper to give them a visit."

"You can do nothing if you go back. The girl is sick, not lonely," She waved a hand in dismissal, "And you shouldn't go home until you and Fred Vaughn are properly engaged," She points to Amy, then to you, "And you to Thor Odinson."

"Yes, and until I've completed all of my painting lessons, of course."

"And I, my violin," You turned your head back to the road, "Maybe until I've gotten a proper job.." You trailed, seeing familair figures.

"Oh, yes, yes. Of course."

Your eyes lingered at the two faces in the crowd, your jaw dropping in an instant, "Oh my God!"

"Y/n March! Sit down."

"Loki! Laurie!" You shout, making Amy gasp dramatically, "Loki, Loki, Loki!"

"Wait! Stop the carriage!" Both of you had huge grins plastered on your faces, "Laurie!" Their heads turn at the suddenly calls.

"Please, stop the carriage!" You request eagerly, making the driver do so. Amy was first to get off the ride.

"Girls! Get back here!"

You clinged onto Loki as fast as you could, making him laugh. His arms scooping you up as Laurie and Amy start their own conversation, "You're here?!"

"I am!" He nods furiously, a large grin on his face.

"Oh, you said you'll meet us at the hotel?"

"I couldn't find you."

"You didn't look hard enough."

"I didn't recognize you," Loki took your hand, placing a kiss on your knuckles, "You're so beautiful."

"Oh, stop it," You smiled, kissing his cheek as a greeting. You convinced yourself it was platonic. Totally platonic, "I thought you were in your village, Asgard. To make chances with your mystery girl?"

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