(Fluff??) Prison break

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Loki paces around his cell, around him was different criminals who have committed different types of crimes. Yet Odin said he was the most dangerous above them all. Dangerous? Or was he just the least favorite??

Lately, he had joined a group on Midgard. Yes, Earth, a pack of villains that all wanted to retaliate against the Avengers. And they actually had good reasons.

But he got caught, unfortunately, by none other than Thor. Some of his teammates got away and some didn't, though, he specifically saw you run.

And like your name was a calling, he heard some grunts right outside his cell. And look at that, it was you, with a huge gun.

You were wearing some baggy pants, the bottom cuffed to stop you from tripping. A white shirt with bloodstains on the sides as you wore a utility belt by your waist.

You smirked, "Deadpool sends his regards!" You exclaim, well..anti-heroes, actually, "Now..how do I-" You were interrupted by the gun hitting the cell, only for it to reflect back.

You ducked right before it could hit you. With your eyes slightly widened, your eyes meet back with Loki's unamused ones.

He rolled his eyes, "Miss me already, asshole?" He asks, walking closer to the cell, "That gun won't work, get the keys."

Your mouth made an, 'O' shape as you hurriedly went over to the unconscious guards.

The keys were silver, some moss on them as it jingled in your hands, moving over to the locked door.

"You know, a thank you would be nice," You pant out as you fit the key inside the lock.

Loki tilts his head left and right in agreement, "Yes, but that's too generous," He retorts, making you roll your eyes.

As the door unlocks, he carefully stood out, breathing in the fresh air. It made you groan.

"Stop acting like you've been in there for a year," You argued, "I've been through hell to get here," You throw the keys away.

He tilts his head as a way of mockery, "Oh, and why would those bastards let their princess get hurt?" He taunts, using that teasing pouting face.

Out of anger, a crack made the walls echo. Making him give a low chuckle after you slapped him, looking back at you with his trademark smirk.

"That's not a good way to greet your bestfriend," His fingers subconsciously ran across the spot you slapped him in, "How long have you been in the gyms?" He asks.

Guards marched over right behind you, making your eyes squint in annoyance as you slowly turned on your heel. Revealing several warriors in a straight line, their spears pointed to you.

You sighed, your hands going straight to your waist. Your hands rummaging to get your guns, twirling it between your fingers.

The guards launched right at you, and it created a whole scene. Catching the spear about to hit your face, using it to your advantage as you fought the others.

Being twirled to your back, spotting Loki just standing there with a smile as he watched you do the whole work.

"Won't you help!?" You shout as you kicked the guard holding you in the shin, making him let go of you to hold himself, starting to kneel on the ground out of pain.

He shrugs, "Do you want me to?" He asks as he watches you use the spear to hit the guard by your left in the throat, the man on the right side getting stabbed.

You rolled your eyes, "Not anymore," You finished by spinning around to slice the last one's neck, panting right after, "You are very useless," You spat.

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