(Fluff) Venom

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A heat creeping to your cheeks as your eyes crinkle from the lovesick smile you had, your fingers busy writing in your journal.

How his eyes shine whenever he told you about his books, how he would listen intently when you talked about yours.

How his pale cheeks would redden everytime he would talk about something embarrassing and how his thin lips made your eyes flicker, everytime.

Your heart thumps everytime he spots you, everytine he waves at you and smiles at you.

Venom groans as you wrote it all in your diary, "Can't you just tell him?" He muttered, making you jump.

You roll your eyes, "He doesn't like me back, I'll save myself the embarrasment."

But, actually, he does. Everytime you would turn away, he would sneak glances that made his heart thump just a fast as yours.

He had imagined what it would be like to run his fingers through your hair, he'd imagine what it would be like to feel your lips against his.

He was just as lovesick as you were.

"How do you know that?" Venom asks, trying to give you a spark of hope, but to no avail.

You sighed, "I think he likes Wanda," You flop on the bed, "I mean, he spends so much time with her."

Venom comes out of the side of your head, "Don't be a pussy, confess your feelings already," He ushered, making you stand up.

You held on to the post of your bed, "What are you doing?" You ask in an exasperated tone.

"I'm helping us," He answered, pushing you to the floor as you clawed your fist to the carpet, "Stop declining my help."

"Your help is unnecessary!" You exclaim, getting pulled back up as venom faces you.

"You won't say the same once you confess your feelings," He retorts, trying to pull you away from the door which you used as something to hold on.

You shake your head, "Don't do this," You plead, feeeling your foot lifting to make you fall over, "What happened to helping me?!" You exclaim, trying to stand up but instead getting pulled towards the hallway.

"I am helping you," He said, watching as you walked with your hands towards the living room.

"This is not helping," You mumble, spotting Thor, who looked confused as he stood by the doorway, "Yes, Thor, help me!" You exclaim desperately.

"What's happening?" Thor asks, closing the door behind him as he followed you.

"I'm helping her with her relationship status," Venom informed, making you gasp dramatically.

You shake your head at Thor, "No, no, no, he's lying, he's..he's trying to kill me, stop him," You lied, making Thor grin.

He nods, "I see we're finally making her confess her love to my brother?" Thor asks for confirmation.

"Yes," Venom confirmed, making Thor clap his hands, "Get Loki," Venom ordered.

You were thrown on the couch, you tried to pry yourself away, only to realize you were stuck with the help of Venom.

"I hate you," You mumbled to Venom, who kept you still on the couch.

"We both know that is not true," He retorts, making you swing your head left and right in agreement.

You lay down on the couch with embarrasment, your cheeks were flushed and your heart was hammering out of your chest.

With all those dreams of confessing to Loki, you didn't think it would be this way.

"Put me down, you oaf!" Loki shouts in a panicked tone, struggling in his brother's arms.

Thor chuckles, "You have nothing to worry about, brother!" He exclaims back, throwing Loki on the couch, right on top of you.

Venom hugged Loki so he could stay on top of you, a weird spot they chose.

But they were desperate for the two of you to confess.

Thor dusts his hands on his clothes, "My work here, is done," He grinned before putting his hands on his hips.

Venom's head popped up beside you, "Now confess," Venom ushers, making the heat that was originally in your cheeks, move to your ears.

"Don't-don't listen to him," You said to Loki in a panicked tone, shaking your head furiously.

"Come on, brother, just spit it out!" Thor shouts, making you tilt your head. "If you don't, I'll do it myself," Thor took a deep breath, "Loki is in-"

"La, la, la," Loki sings loudly, interrupting Thor's sentience.

Venom shakes his head in disappointment, "Y/n is also-"

"Shut. Up!" You glare at Venom who's tongue was stuck out in a form of mockery, "Don't you dare."

"Loki is in love with you!"

"Y/n is in love with you!"

They both shout simultaneously, making the two of you go quiet. Now averting each other's gazes to the floor.

"Our work here is finished," Venom muttered before entering back inside you.

Thor whistles, rocking on his heel back and forth before bolting away.

"You can move, now," Venom informs, making you sit up immediately, you make space between you and Loki.

A few moments of silence before you processed what Thor said, and Loki has been doing the same.

With both your brows furrowed, the two of you faced each other with fingers pointed, "You're in love with me?!" You both ask simultaneously.

You both chuckle nervously, scratching your neck, "Well-" The both of you start, making you laugh once again, "You go first," You said the same time with him.

"Ladies first," Loki insists, hesitantly, scooting closer beside you.

You took a sharp breath, "So..like Venom said, I'm in love with you," You start, not daring to face him, "And..you..reciprocate the feelings?"

He nods, "I didn't think you would feel the same as I," He said truthfully, "You just..you hang out a lot with Bucky."

You chuckle, "I actually thought the same," You replied, "But..you with Wanda."

Loki faces you abruptly, "Of course not!" He exclaims, "I always thought of her as a..sister or a daughter and such."

He looked at you with sincerity, but you still haven't had the confidence to let him see your flushed face.

He intertwined his hand in yours, making you snap your head to see his smile, his other hand moving to your cheek.

"Now that we know we both.." He whispered, his eyes flickering to your lips then back to gazing your eyes, "May I..?"

Your hand moves to his neck, the corners of your lips twitching into a smile, "Yes," You said with no hesitation.

You've caught yourself into a slow and sensual kiss, feeling his greatful smile as his fingers caress your cheeks.

He had given everything into that kiss, all the times he wanted to hold your hand, the moments where he catches himself staring at you lovesick.

he'd put in all in the kiss, and it made you lightheaded.

It felt like hours, until you hear someone clearing their throat, seeing Venom had sprouted out of your cheek.

"I told you, I am helping us," He smirked, it wasn't clear, but you just knew it plastered his face.

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