(Fluff) Butterflies

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Every glance he took from you, it seems he falls much more than he already did.

Maybe that was why it's called falling in love, you fall into a hole and it takes time to escape.

Each time he tries to even wave to you, he kept on failing, his sentences turning into mere stutters.

But, today was the day. He was gonna talk to you. No more running away, he's talking to you, now-

"Hey, Loki!" You call out with a wave, your dress making contact perfectly on the floor as you move to him. "How are you? I haven't seen you in days."

Loki points a finger up, his mouth opens and closed like a fish, making you laugh.

"Hey? Are you alright, or..are you sick?" You furrow your brows at his frozen state, noticing his redden cheeks. "Did someone turn you into a fluster?"

"Ah, ye-yes, sort of." He shrugs, giving you an awkward smile.

You tilt your head, "And..who is it?" You ask, leaning closer to him.

"You." He clears his throat when he sees your suprised face, "You..don't have to know! Yes..." Loki corrects as you nod.

"So what is it?" You ask.

He takes a deep breathe, "Would you like to go on a-" Loki was interrupted by the door banging open.

Thor barges in, "Lady y/n!" He calls out in a panicked tone, "I need your assistance, for I can't find a present for Jane."

You turn your head, your torso still faced Loki. "Ah, yes..I am quite busy, just a moment."

Thor nods, moving to the door as you turn your attention back to Loki. "So, what was it?" You ask.

"We should-could you..can I-aha," He chuckles before disappearing with his sorcery.


Thor moves around the halls, gettting pulled into the Loki's chambers as he drops the present he held.

Thor watches on a seat as Loki paces back and forth, his hair was disheveled as evidently, he was lost in thought.

"Brother, what must be the problem?" Thor asks as Loki's head snapped to him, his eyes narrowing.

"You keep disturbing me each time I talk to y/n!" Loki hisses, face-palming as he sees Thor's grin. "Okay, I do, I've fallen for y/n and I need your help."

"Well..in Midgard," Loki groans at the realm's sudden appearance, "There's an event called Valentines day."

"And what does that have to do with my struggle?" Loki asks, shaking his head slightly.

"Valentines day as an event to express your love, find your partner and shower them with love!"

"That would make me too obvious!" Loki exclaims, slumping on the bed as he felt his brother's amused stare.

"Brother, how many years have you been in love with lady y/n?" Thor asks, making Loki's brows furrow.

"When I turned a thousand?" Loki answered, unsure.

"And, that's how long, lady Y/n has suspected your not-so-subtle crush." Thor grins, standing up from the chair.

"She knows?!" Loki asked, sitting up with a shocked expression.

"She has suspected. You never stutter in front of anybody, brother." Thor laughs, pulling him up from the bed.

"What shall I do then?" Loki asked.

"Leave it to me." Thor smiles, "I can't believe you've been in love with her for hundreds of years."

"Shut up, brother." Loki rolls his eyes.


Now, Loki was sat on the gardens where Thor asked him to stay. He was fiddling with his fingers as he awaits what Thor had in store.

"Hello, trickster." He hears you say, watching as you sat beside him. "Thor told me there's something you wanted to tell me?" You ask.

Loki's mouth hangs agape as his throat suddenly turns dry, curse Thor for not being able to atleast give a warning.

He usually would make up conversations in his head before he talked to you, just in case.

You smiled, "If you're not going to say anything, may I ask you something?" You ask.

He nods timidly, his heart pounding out of his chest as he cracks out a smile.

"Well, in Midgard. Thor told me about this event," You start as Loki gets butterflies, were you going to ask him out? "And I was wondering..should I ask Fandral out?"

Loki's smile drops, it's like he heard his heart crack.

"W-what?" Loki asks, "I b-beg your pardon?" He would definitely cry about this tonight.

Though, confusion spread him as you laughed; your hand intertwining with his.

"I'm kidding, trickster. I wanted to ask you out..Thor told me, everything. I just wanted to mess with you a bit," You smiled, your lips grazing over his knuckles.

"Everything?" Loki asked again, his face turning a bright shade of red. Curse himself for having such a pale complexion.

"Everything." You repeat, your hands flickering between his eyes to his lips. "If I may?" You ask, leaning closer.

Loki, feeling a surge of confidence, held your chin within his fingertips. "For all my years, this was all I wanted."

"Likewise." You said.

He pulled you in a deep and passionate kiss, your hand moving from his chest, to his shoulders, then his neck.

You could feel his smile through it all as he held you close, not wanting to let go.

Suddenly, a twig's crcak was heard someone, making Loki pull away from the kiss he enjoyed too much.

Standing there was Thor, watching it all with a huge grin.

"I'll just..leave." Thor gives two thumbs up, dashing off to the palace.

Loki sighs, about to run after him out of anger but you stopped him by pulling him in another kiss.

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