Cope : Songfic (Angst)

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My girl Liddy used to always smoke

Cigarettes when she couldn't sleep

She'd disappear for an hour and a half

And when she'd come back she'd brush her teeth

But I could still smell it on her raggedy tee

And I could taste it on her lips when we kiss

Poor little Liddy used to always quit

But she never really quit

She'd just say she did

Other than your panting, you couldn't hear a thing. Everything around you was passing by blurry, as if this moment was meant for your eyes, was meant to torture you to no end.

You couldn't even hear your own shout of agony as you watch your loved one, Loki, be lifted from the floor, being choked and helpless to what's to come, then..crack.

You rapidly coughed once you sat up from your bed, erratic breathing as you clutch your chest. These nights, the nightmares, it just keeps getting worse. You weren't sure why, if it was punishment for something you had done, or something you failed to do, like not saving him.

You blamed yourself for this loss. You needed to set your anger, grief, and pain into something. And theres nothing else, but you.

My girl Liddy used to always smoke

Cigarettes when she couldn't sleep

I wonder what she did when she got done

I guess she'd just flick them out in the street

Poor little Liddy, she wishes it was dark

But it's never really dark in L.A.

The light from the billboard always shines

But it changed twelve times since you went away

"Hey, this is Loki. Leave a message,"

Your phone beeps, that line was the only thing close to him. You had several videos, moments captured that really shown the love present between the two of you. But it only brought nostalgia, and lots of heartbreak.

You pity yourself that you chose smoking as a coping mechanism, a horrible one, "What date is it? I don't remember.." You muttered, "Yes, it's another bad dream. Are you purposely sending me these nightmares to annoy me or what?"

You looked at the dark, night sky, but the land was bright. Neon lights coming from bars. Flashing red, blue,  and yellow from cars adding on was the white, blinding flashes caressed your view from the large billboards. You wished it was dark, just so it was just you and the stars, just you and Loki. 

Another puff of smoke, "The stars shine tonight, Loki. I wish you could be under them with me, dancing..I want to dance with you again," 

Something about the puff of smoke, it was comforting in a way. Other than the fact it was a distraction from the bitter truth, it was like a hug. You wondered if he controlled the smoke sometimes, maybe in some way to contact you from Valhalla..or Hel. 

We'll find moonlit nights strangely empty

Because when you call my name through them

There will be no answer

Rather melodramatic, aren't you?

We'll find moonlit nights strangely empty

Because when you call my name through them

There will be no answer

You mind if I smoke?

Sometimes you could see his arms from the smoke as it progresses to be larger, until it covered the your view of the city. Feeling the warm hug around your torso, yet feeling faint from the smoke. There were times you got sick of the smell, but couldn't quit, the comfort of thinking you will feel Loki's hug once more. 

But..maybe you were just hallucinating. After all, it was a late night after another nightmare, intoxicated with dizzying puffs of smoke, no doubt there would be some only from your  imagination. 

We'll find moonlit nights strangely empty

Because when you call my name through them

There will be no answer

I always smoke in the theater

We'll find moonlit nights strangely empty

Because when you call my name through them

There'll be no answer

Somehow it enhances the performance


Request by: Anonymous. 


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