(Fluff/Angst??) Misunderstanding

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Loki laid in bed alone and bored. You were out on a mission again. Steve Rogers as your partner, he wished it was him. He never trusted anyone with you. Well, maybe Clint Barton and Thor but that's besides the point.

Recently, you had given him a phone. Something about emergency purposes. He mainly used it to annoy you, though. Now, he was looking at his 'fandom' and apparently the both of you had a hashtag. It was dedicated to your relationship with him. It honestly made him joyful how many people admire your relationship with him.

He smiled at one certain photo.

It was when the both of you were in a restaurant, trying to get away from the paparazzi. But since he wasn't allowed to use magic, the both of you just had to live with the embarrassing photo.

"Do you think they saw us come in?" Loki whispers in your ear, sitting down beside you in a reserved area Tony prepared for the both of you.

"I'm not sure," You shrugged, getting the menu that was fixated on the table, "But it seems fine. Tony made sure of it."

"That's what he always says," He rolled his eyes, placing an arm around you waist so you can be closer.

Once your orders were placed and brought, Loki had that gut feeling he was being watched. You felt the same, but ignored it. Eager to have a lovely afternoon together.

"I can eat by myself," You laughed, watching as he brought a fork dripping with noodles to your mouth. It was like a squirrel trying to hide acorns, there was just too much to chew.

"I'm sorry," He giggled, patting the sides of your lips with a tissue once you finished chewing, "I didn't think it was too much.."

"It's okay," You held your one hand with his, while your other takes the same spoonful of noodles, "But you have to pay the price," You grinned, bringing the spoonful to his mouth. Now, who looked like the squirrel?

But your lovely afternoon fails when a camera shutters. The picture had you looking shocked from the random intrusion and Loki almost choking from his food.

Even though he practically blushed from embarrasment, he grinned brighter than he ever did. It was nice the fandom thought it was cute, though it isn't when they keep intruding.

He landed through several pictures. From an old post where you were looking at him through a meeting, eyes staring at him lovesick while he talked to another. There was also this other post where you were kissing Steve...



Loki immediately springs from his bed, mouth hanging in shock, "What is this?" He asks, pressing the picture to look at it closely.

There was no way.

You wouldn't just cheat on him, right?

With Steve? Steve?

I mean- no offense to him but you made it clear several times you and he were just best of friends. Then again..it is plausible. Steve had a huge crush on you, which you ignored since you didn't want to hurt his feelings. Acting dumb.

Were you tired of him?

Did you suddenly act upon his desires.

Just the mere thought scared him, but the picture looked so real. Was it for a mission?...It was posted some days ago. Have you cheated on him weeks ago?

"Thor! I need some assistance!"


Your trip back home from your long mission went as a blur. You and Steve had gotten into a..disagreement. The both of you sat on opposite corners of the plane, the pilot too afraid to ask any questions. More likely afraid to cause another heated argument.

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