Rouge - (Fluff??)

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With the dark tunnel ahead of you, you removed the mask that came with your suit — custom made by Fury — in order to get some air. 

"I feel like Fury wants me to suffocate in this," Loki's communicator buzzed in his ear, your voice remaining present as you rambled along, "I'm going to complain about this, how do I complain in a polite way so I don't get fired?"

"Seriously!" The 'Gentleman' occupying the space beside Loki cried. A smoke pipe on his mouth, releasing the puff of grey right in front of Loki's face, "Can't believe those stupid Avengers just won't give up!" 

Annoyance stuck as Loki's expression. Right now, he was disguised as a mortal you knocked unconscious. Just for him to take his place. 

The gent with the smoke? He had been bad-mouthing your team for HOURS. 

"Just to remind you, I can hear everything that bastard is spitting," In your perspective, you were crawling through the vents. Why? Well, you had to go through this just to go to an office hidden somewhere. You had to download some data. 

Cliché superhero missions. 

"Listen, James," The chap wraps an arm around his neck, his free hand occupied with his pipe, "You agree with me, right?" 

'James' cleared his throat, "Of course," 

"You know, I thought I found Stark annoying. That avaricious skank keeps coming back..But now-" 

"Did he just call Tony a skank?" 

"-I think its that Agent everyone keeps bumping into," Agent, or to specify, you. You still loved that memory of defeating him, "I dont get it, how could they get beaten up by a girl in a suit?" 

"Because she's an amazing trained Shield agent," Loki spoke under a hushed tone. He knew better than to ruin this mission, especially since this was an important one. 

The gent seemed too self-indulged that he couldn't hear the miffed response Loki gave him, only continuing to trashtalk your skills. 

Through every sentence, Loki's eye seemed to twitch, his forced smile growing more resentful, and an irk making it hard not to let his body shiver. 

"Jesus, I didn't think someone could despise a person so much," You blew your hair away from your face, reaching the end of the vents, "Maybe it's because I beat his ass before," 

"You've fought him before?" Loki inquired, though, the man mistook it as if he was asking him. 

"Yeah! Let me tell you, it was not my day," You rolled your eyes, "That girl was lucky I didn't see her coming," 

"I defeated his agents," 

"She probably thought she was the strongest woman in the world! But, I dont think so," 

You dropped down from the vents, and of course, there were guards blocking you to your needed location. 

"I think she's quite strong herself, I've heard she's trained long hard," Loki defended, making the man raise a brow. Although you were smiling, feeling flattered. 

While you were fending off some guards, Loki was keeping the gentleman entertained, just letting him babble all about the Avengers. 

Although, you weren't able to catch one of your enemies slipping out of the door. That was how trouble brewed. 

As the clock's arrow slowly moved, the escapee had been fast as it was determined to reach the centre ball where the party was booming.

Once reports got out, the man conversing with Loki stood up in Fury, "What?! How could you let her pass through you? You're telling me you couldn't defeat her?" 

"Sorry, boss. But can we move quick? She's already by the office," 

The man groaned in annoyance, and Loki panicked. He knew they were going to close in on you fast. So, what did he do? Well, he punched the gent.. and everything started going extra from there. 


Fire cracks from the corner of your room with a yellow glow, currently cleaning up some wounds on your partner's face. 

Mission was..somehow succesful. 

You had gotten the files, exit the madhouse easily and got back to the tower safely. 

"The only thing you had to do was keep him busy. Not punching every person on the spot," You held his chin straight with your hand, your other busy wiping the dirt from his face. 

"I'd like to say you're exaggerating," Loki squint his eyes shut at the sharp feeling of pain on his cheek, "I got worried they might get to you," 

"Even if they did, I would have taken care of them. It would've been a breeze," 

"I just didn't want you to get hurt," He held his breath when you caressed the covered wound. 

"I don't want you to get hurt either," 

Loki leaned into your touch, "I'm flattered," 

You pursed your lips, genuine worry plastered on your face, "Look, just don't be so careless, okay?" 

Rouge tinted his cheeks, if only he weren't so pale, once you kissed the spot he was injured in, practically swooning. 

Though, his head doesn't turn when you walk towards the door behind him in order to leave. 

Shocked? Definitely. 

He had never seen you so affectionate. 

"I'll see you tomorrow morning?" 



So the scenes were a huge contrast from each other but don't mind that. 


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