(Fluff) Dance with me : Asgardian reader

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You were ecstatic.

"You'd take me there?" You ask for the billionth time, jumping slightly as he nodded, "But won't the Allfather be mad I'm not doing my royal duties?"

Loki took your hand in his, "Not if he doesn't know," His other hand points behind you, which shown an illusion of you on the bed reading.

You couldn't explain the happiness you feel. Lately, you haven't been out of the kingdom's gates and now you finally could.

"Besides," He adds, "Thor will be able to give us some time. He and the Allfather would be clashing on some meetings,"

"Then what are we waiting for!" You grinned, taking your small bag that hanged on the bed, "Let's go,"

With your arms intertwined, the both of you ran from the castle unnoticed. Though, you couldn't help but sigh when you saw Thor's terrible acting.

Reaching the stables, the both of you find a horse all ready, "After you, my lady," He bowed mockingly, making you roll your eyes.

With his hands on your waist, he helped you go atop the horse, "What a pretty fellow," You pat it's chest, feeling arms slide in front of your stomach.

"I'll let you take the lead," Loki gave you a smile, which you bashfully returned, "Hope you won't let us fall, princess,"

"Pfft, I'm great at horse riding,"

"We'll see about that,"


Reaching a beautiful village with music playing in the background, you felt relaxed. Relieved that you didn't spend the day around the castle.

Feeling your hand being captured, turning to see Loki leading you inside the village whilst your horse walked behind.

Giggles and laughter rung around the village. Children braiding each others' hair by the fountain.

A small band playing music in the corner while street people were finishing up some drawings with chalk.

"I'll go get us a treat," Loki offered, slipping away fromnyour sight and leaving you alone in the corner.

The music went louder, "Lady Y/n," A villager spoke, making your head turn, "We invite you to a dance," The lovely woman said.

"Oh no, I don't-"

You were pulled by her arm intertwined with yours, "I insist, my lady," She smiled, leading you to the middle, "It's really easy!"

Follow her lead

Less than a minute more villagers were pulled in the dance, circling the small sun drawing's outline with holding hands.

"You're doing great, my lady!" She praises, making you grin. It didn't take long for everyone's hands to untangle. Dancing with the person beside of them.

You were being spun over and over again by the same woman, it filled you with pure joy.

It went off as a pattern. Dancing with another and after that, forming to a circle, then dance with another once again. Each time the music gets louder.

Once Loki turned around with food in both hands, he saw you dancing. He should be jealous that it was another man, but your large grin made his heart swell otherwise.

When you spot him staring, a faint blush reaches his cheeks. Though it grew larger when you gestured for him to join.

He shook his head no, only to be pushed inside by his horse. Being dragged along the dance. His eyes trained on yours while yours did the same.

You had almost captured his hand in yours, only to be pulled away by another woman. It only made you laugh when you saw his disappointed face.

"Fancy to dance with the prince," The woman asks, making a tantalizing heat circle your cheeks, "I think so,"

You swayed along the villagers as the music gets louder and louder. Once the villagers recognized the finishing stance, they rushed.

You kept missing Loki inside the circle, only for him to laugh and pursue another chance.

Once the booming music stopped, you were thrown towards him and he towards you. Both hands intertwined together and chests rising heavily.

"I want to do it again," You jumped, still holding his hands, "Wasn't it fun?"

"Of course it was. But I think our low profile has been distinguished," He led you to a corner where you could lean your back on.

"Hey, atleast we let off a little steam. This is my favorite village, up to now," You smiled, only to frown once he stared at you deeply, "What?"

He shook his head with a light smile, leaning closer. You froze completely, unable to process what was happening.

It's happening.

It's happening right now.

Right. Now.

He brushed his lips against yours, making you internally squeal. Pulling back slightly to see your reaction.

Without a second thought, you pulled him closer and pressed your own lips to his. Eager to feel him.

You could feel his smile, relieved.

Who knew a dance could lead to this?


I got third place :))

Should I show my poster?


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