(Angst/Fluff??) Insecure : Jotun!Loki

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Loki sat by a hidden tree far by the forest of Asgard where he sat with, who he thought, the prettiest person he had laid eyes on. Your back leaned onto him, quietly flipping the pages of your book. Sometimes he wondered how he was so lucky to meet you.

"Thor and I are going on a secret mission," Loki initiated the conversation awkwardly, taking a sharp breath right before. He was convinced that your beauty was breath-taking, literally.

"Well, it doesn't seem to be much of a secret anymore. Doesn't it?" You let out a short chuff of laughter, which he followed with his own, "Where will you go?"

"Jotunheim," You dropped your book, placing it on your lap. Setting your full attention on him, "Thor wanted revenge for them ruining his coronation. I wanted to come here for luck."

"You think the tree gives goodluck?"

'You give me luck,' He wanted to say badly. Though, he was worried it would backfire. Instead, "Yes."

"Well, I should go here more often, then," You smiled, "Must you go so soon?"

"I'm afraid you've taken my time for a supposed training," He stood up. He hoped that didn't sound harsh, he loved how his moments revolve around you, "I'll be back before you know it, my dear."

You felt heat rise to your cheeks when he pressed his lips to the back of your hand, "And I'll be here waiting, my prince."

Once your intertwined hands part, you watched as he rode his horse away. His figure growing farther. You wished he. would come back home safely.

Though, right after the battle..

Loki was..grounded. Not only did Thor's plan backfire on them, but he just watch his brother be banished. Now he knew Odin was mad. But he needed to get to you. Though, something churned his stomach, and it wasn't that pleasant feeling he'd get when he was around you.

He was scared as he looked at his figure in the mirror. Blue..monstrous, and he felt so cold. Not just his temperature but the way he felt when he saw himself. Was it anger, or fear? He didn't know.

But, one grateful thing was that it was dark. Hopefully, you wouldn't see his form if he'd cover himself with thick layers of clothes.

He didn't know how to change back, nor does he have the energy. But he didn't want to stood you up, not when he promised to be back.

Meanwhile, you sat rubbing your arms up and down. Maybe you shouldn't have stayed this late. Missions take a long time, "Nevermind," You grinned once you saw a horse drawing near.

"Y/n!" Loki chirped, drawing off his horse to lunge you into his tight embrace. Trying hard to forget he was Jotun. Maybe if he pretended he wasn't, it would disappear. Like a bad nightmare.

"You're colder than usual," You pulled away to check his face. Though, it was covered with a mask, and those eyes you loved to gaze in covered with dark shades, "..And weirder."

"Oh, no. I just got wounds, and I dont want you to see them," He adjusted his mask, murmuring his words.

"I have medications if you'd like," You dragged him over by the tree, where sat nicely was a basket, "I also brought warm food- well, now cold. But either way I think it still tastes nice."

Your hand reaches his mask, though Loki grabbed your wrist to stop you from inching closer to remove it, "I'm not supposed to be here. If my wounds are randomly healed mother would get suspicious."

You nodded, "Should I escort you home, then?"

"No, it's alright, my love."

Loki inwardly cringed, though your smile reassured him that you didn't mind the nickname, "Well, what do you wanna do then?"

"What food did you bring?"


The both of you silently ate. No, it was more like you ate while he stared at his food, "Why can't you just remove your mask? I won't judge you."

"No..It's alright."

"Loki. Remove your mask," You firmly command, making him hesitate. You knew he was lying, and deep inside, you were concerned, "And your glasses. I hate it when you lie to me, or hide things."

"It's really not necessary."

"You're not even eating!"

"I'm not hungry!"

"For the Gods!" You leaned in and took his glasses off, which made your breathe hitch when your eyes came face to face with red ones.

With a green shimmer Loki's mask vanished, his hand around your wrist in a deathly grip, "Are you scared, Y/n? Do you regret asking me to see what's wrong?"

You shook your head, "No."

"I'm giving you the chance to run away from this monster."

"I won't run away."

"Why won't you?"

"Because your looks dont matter to me," You finalized, "I don't care if you're a frost giant, and will you listen to me?"

You released a sigh of relief when he silenced.

"You are still beautiful to me," You let your hand rest on his shoulder once his hand let loose of your wrist, "I think you look more radiant than before."

"You flatter me too much, Y/n," Loki's cheeks warmed when your hand reaches his face, despite him being Jotun.

"I'm being serious. You're handsome in both forms, believe it or not," You managed a small smile from him, "Why must you hide it from me?"

"I was scared."

The pad of your thumb caressed his cheek, "Of what? You can trust me."

"I care about what you think of me," Loki confessed, "I was afraid you wouldn't want to face me again once I show you."

"So you cover yourself into a ridiculous number of coats?" You laughed.

"It was the only creative thing that came to mind," He shrugged, joining your laughter. The brick on his shoulders perished, and his heart swells with relief. Truly, he didn't deserve you.

"Nothing will ever lessen my love for you."

Loki smiled, not yet processing what you had spoken, making your heart stop when he frowned.

"Repeat that thought?" His voice cracked.

"I said, I love you."

"Thank the stars," Loki cupped your face, pressing his cold lips with your warm ones. Giving you the kiss you both had longed for.


Hi. *Awkwardly just posting*


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