(Fluff) By the tree : Genderfluid!Reader

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When Loki was a child, he always loved the mention of that realm Midgard. He would ask Heimdall sometimes if he could see a view of them. He sort of has a soft spot for children at that time.

There was this afternoon where Heimdall decided to show him a lovely mortal. Roughly the same age as him if he were a midgardian.

"Who's that?" Loki asks, watching as the child would search for magazines under her mother's cabinets while she was gone.

"That's Y/n," Heimdall answered, "I think you would like them. They're busy at the moment, as you can see..finding something to read," He watches as you crawled along the house looking at every corner.

"Why won't their parents just bring them to a library?" He asked with furrowed brows, watching as you found several magazines.

"Their parents are currently out,"

"And they left them alone? As a child?" He raised a brow, "That's very irresponsible," He added, making Heimdall nod in agreement.

"Well, I can't seem to change their parents' understanding, my prince," He said sadly, "But, you can check on them from time to time. I'll allow it,"


Growing to his teenage years, he watched as you grew up as well. Growing into a charming midgardian he seemingly adored. Though, he wouldn't let anyone know about that certain fondness.

At the moment, you were just about to sneak away from your parents once again. They were strict and somehow laid-back at the same time? They don't care if you go out to wherever you please, though, they are strict with who you're with. Especially if it was a guy.

You still loved them but sometimes they were overbearing.

Your family was known around the nieghborhood to have a bad reputation. Only because they weren't very selfless. Very self-indulged. All you could do was thank to Valhalla that you read those chivalrous warriors in books or else you would be just like them.

"Mom?" You call, making her groan, "I'm going out. I'll be home before dinner," You added, rolling your eyes with a huff when she only replied with a grunt.

Walking through the neighborhood, you were greeted by enthusiastic waves and greets by children to teenagers playing.

Your destination was under a tree, next to an empty playground. It was usually filled with kids once they've finished with their school.

Once you've sat, reading through the pages for a few moments. Your eyes captured a man wearing a suit. He had hair that reaches his shoulders, black. His skin pale and his expression confused.

"Hey, stranger!" You called out, making him turn his head in a flash, "Are you lost? The neighborhood is quite confusing."

He walked towards you, scratching his neck, "It is," He simply replied, towering over you now, "I'm new here. I don't know where to go."

"Did you come from a jog or.." He sat down beside you, "Did you just move out here?" You ask, watching as he tried not to look awkward.

"Yes, I guess so. I've just moved from Asg-" He catched his tongue, making you raise a brow, "..New York."

"Is there a village named Asg in New York?" You ask with a small smile, letting your thumb lay in the middle of the book as a bookmark.

"..Yes. Indeed, there is."

"I haven't heard of that, yet."

"It's a rural area."

You shrugged, deciding not to go any further on the subject, "What's your name?"


"Well, my name is-"

"Y/n, I know," Your lips pursed, giving him a suspicious look, "It's in your book," He points, on top was your name.

Your mouth formed an 'O' shape, "Right, right," You mentally laughed at your false paranoia, "So, Loki. Like, Norse Mythology?"

You honestly didn't know how to continue this conversation.

"Yes," He laughed, "I've got that plenty of times," Okay, maybe that was a lie. But he didn't know how to continue this conversation either. What was he supposed to say? Hi, I used to watch you back in Asgard because Heimdall thought you had an interesting life.

"Well, I've only been able to buy some mythology books. Can you tell me some stories?" You ask.

So, he did. The more time that shed by, the more comfortable he was with telling stories. Even some embarrassing ones. Atleast you didn't know it was actually him.

With the sun set, he just kept going and you were glad. This was the most fun you've had in months, "Then, Thor ran away holding onto his skirt. His cheeks filled with food."

You laughed, "But that's not how I remember the story," You tilt your head.

"Well, isn't it better to reconstruct stories. Here I made you laugh until you might as well explode," He bumps his shoulder with yours.

"I guess so," You grinned. Your cheeks hurt from holding it up for such a long time, you didn't bother.

You looked forward to see the sun setting, "You must go home now, I assume?" He asks, making you nod in response.

"Mom and dad would be furious if I get home late by dinner," You stood up, collecting your books.

"I can walk you home, if you'd like?" He asks, helping you take your books. He actually held some on his own as an invite.

"That would be great," You smiled.


The both of you walked home, each holding your own stack of books. He kept going on with some stories, making them hilarious.

"You have to write those down for me," You paused once you reached by the driveway, "I mean- if you'd like."

"I would love to," He smiled, "Do you need me to help you bring these books in--" He jumped when the door bursts open.

"Y/n!" Your father stormed out, making you roll his eyes, "Who's this?" He points to Loki, a not so friendly expression on his face.

"He's a friend--" Your father snatched the books from his grasp, making Loki clear his throat, "--and I would appreciate it if you would be a little kinder."

"Whatever, whatever. I told you no boys until highschool," He scolds, making Loki stifle a smile.

"I already finished highschool?" You correct, making him huff and move inside, "Sorry, about all that."

"It's alright. Your family seems interesting," He laughed, watching as the blinds by your window had about three holes. Your mother, father and brother.

"They're anything but that," You whispered, glaring at them. Atleast they decided to give you privacy, now, "Hey, what do you say we meet there again?"

"I would love that. Maybe by then I could write you some stories," You heard your father call you, making you march slowly backwards to your door.

"That would be great!"


"I'll see you!" You waved before being pulled inside.

Loki grinned, now, all he had to do was to find out where he could find a place to stay. Or atleast find am empty book and quill.


Requested by Your_Girl_Vivi_

Hope you guys like this one. <3


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