(Fluff) All your attention

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"I don't know what you want from us, Tony. But we're busy," You walked inside the lab with Agent Ward and Coulson by your side.

"Where's the others?" Tony asks, counting the three of you, "I asked for everyone, you know."

"Well, you can't get everything you want," You crossed your arms, stopping to see a clear view around you, "Nick," You greet with a small smile. There you noticed a chained man behind him and a slightly shorter man you saw as Thor. So that means..

"Why is Loki here?" Phil asks, "Thought you guys sent him back to Asgard. Thanks for murdering me, by the way," He laughs, saluting over to him when he saw confusion painted on Loki's face.

"Hair looks greasy," Grant whispers towards you, "Pictures should've shown that for a warning," The both of you snickered as Phil repeats some questions. The others inside were Natasha, Clint and Steve. No doubt Bruce was sent away. Anywhere near Loki was horrible for him.

"We aren't able to handle him alone."

"By 'we' he means us," Steve corrects Fury, stepping forwards, "We heard great things about you guys and heard you were close to Nat and Clint."

You nodded in response.

"We want to know if you would help us with him. All your team needs to do is keep him busy. Questioning and stuff."

"So..you wanted us here to do a babysitting job?" Grant asks with a raised brow, lowering his head slightly. His face resembled to word 'seriously?'

"I think you should leave the talking to me, Rogers," Fury waved a hand of dismissal, "Yes. Babysitting," Loki gave him a flabbergasted look, "You could handle that, right? If you don't I may just lower you guys down."

"Don't worry, we can handle an unstable God. Besides, it's in hopes of a promotion," You smirked, moving beside Loki as Nick suppressed rolling his eyes.

"If you do a good job keeping him at bay, I just might," Fury points at you, then shoving his hands down his pockets, "All we need is information."


You were a pinch close to banging your head to the table repeatedly, assumingly Grant and Skye were feeling the exact same thing as they had to repeat questions over and over again.

"Just say the truth so it won't shock you!" Skye shouts out of fury, her papers listed with several questions crumpling within her grasp.

"I'd rather not," Loki smiled. It was sarcastic. It just made you want to punch him more. Devilishly handsome but irritating to work with.

"Who are you working for?!" Grant shouts, slamming his hand on the table. His face growing closer towards Loki who didn't seem to flinch a bit.


Loki winced once he felt the electricity shock him. Groaning a bit afterwards.

"Tell us who you're working for!" You shout.

"I'm not working for anybody."

He got shocked once again.

And again.


"This would be much nicer if you just told us."

"Oh. But, It wouldn't be fun."

"That.." You heard Fitz by the speaker that was held by the corners of the room. There was a window by one side where he watched and sensed if it was a lie or truth, "..That wasn't a lie."

"Of course it wasn't," Skye rolled her eyes, massaging her forehead, "It's been hours. I want a break. We've been in Shield headquarters more than we should be."

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