(Fluff) Cold skin : Jotun!reader

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You felt cold.

You are cold.

Being Jotuns had some perks. But it also had many cons. Lately, the cons have been playing and devouring all the perks.

With one touch by the window, rain's droplets turn to ice in an instant. Though it looked magnificent, you were touch-starved. Unable to even shake someone's hand.

You thought you would spend the rest of your life like this. Until another man came near. You didn't know much about him, seemingly because he came from another realm.

Though, when he saw you, his eyes seem to widen. How could you be so comfortable showing your blue skin. Your Jotun form.

"Friends," Thor's voice boomed, "I know we aren't happy with my brother staying, but the Allfather insists,"

"Great, even his father didn't want him," Tony retorts, making Thor's brother roll his eyes. That was a tad hurtful, though used to it.

"Don't be rude, Tony," Steve scolds, making him roll his eyes, "He's a guest and we will treat him with hospitality,"

That was a suprise.

For someone who Loki almost killed he was quick to forgive. Especially when he put so much chaos to his shoulders.

"Meet our new recruits, brother," Thor waved a gesture to come near. Making about four people go up-front.

Vision, Wanda, Pietro and you. Of course.

The introduction was short.

A business sort of introduction.

"I think you would enjoy Y/n's company, brother," Thor assumes, nudging his side, "After all, you two are alike,"

You raised a brow.

"I doubt that," Loki muttered, his face unreadable as he bore holes to your body. It made you feel a little insecure how he stared intently.

"Well, I doubt it as well," You chimed in, crossing your arms. You watch as he did this tiny look. His brows furrowed and a small smile on his face.



It has only been weeks.

Yet he had already found ways to annoy you. Frustrate you. Make you flustered.

"Stop staring at me," You lower your book just below your eyes, narrowing them by a slight. Watching as his own corners of his eyes crinkled.



"I'm not," He denied, "Just looking,"

"Stop looking,"

"I'm admiring the view," He retorts boldly, making you scoff. But behind the book, a blood red shade scattered across your cheeks.

Wait. Why are you blushing?


That has got to stop.

"There's nothing to admire," You lift your book to cover your gaze that met with his. Hearing him laugh, just a little bit.

"I do like to prove you wrong," Without you knowing, he slowly slid towards you. How did he do it? You had no idea.

When he pushes the book down to reveal your patterned face, he actually gave you a smile. A genuine one.

When his two fingers trued to reach for your chin, you immediately ducked and stood up right beside him. Giving him an awkward smile with your book close to your chest.

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