(Fluff) Leaving for work

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With the sunlight blinding your shut eyes, you slowly fluttered open to see a certain someone already staring at you with a small smile on his face.

"Someone's happy," You spoke, making him smile wider. His thumb caressing your cheek, "Goodmorning,"

"Goodmorning, my love," Loki greets, making you scoot closer, "What time is it?" He asks, twirling your hair around his finger.

It seems both your questions were answered when the alarm blared loudly, shouting at the both of you to stand up and head for work.

"I have a business meeting,"

"And I have a mission to go to,"

Bothh of you rush out of your bed. You taking the responsibility to shut down the screaming alarm. Watching as he went down first. You could hear the clicks and clags of rushed food.

You didn't take long to go down, seeing him waiting for you on the table. The both of you ate quickly. Thank God he had powers. Limited powers.

"How much time?" You ask, being replied with a muffled answer. You took your head up to see his cheeks filled with food.

He glanced to the clock, "Half an hour," He answered, "I'll wash the plates. You shower first since..well, you're slow,"

You rolled your eyes, "Thank you for the compliment," You sarcastically said, making him snicker as you set the plates on the sink.

This was almost your everyday routine. With him being an Avenger, a busy one. Since he was still working hard to prove himself, he usually took all these missions.

You were a secretary who was practically battling for that promotion. Taking almost every opportunity to get closer to that achievement.

With bread still hanging from his mouth, Loki moved on to wave his hand in front of the dishes. Cleaning them up woth ease but some of them were still dirty.

"Damn you, Stark," He muttered under his breath, taking the sponge quickly and sloppily applied soap, "Limit my powers he said.." He grumbled.


You took the responsibility to set the clothes on the bed, multitasking to pick out each clothing.

You took the piles of Asgardian armor woth a groan. Why did he have to have several layers of armour? You were kind of thankful. These could save him any day by how many layers he wore.

Taking out one of the suits you wore. Your favorite one, and it seemed it was also your lover's. He practically drooled once he saw you in it.

You threw the clothing on the bed, bumping your hip on the wardrobe door to put it to close. Rushing to the bathroom.


Once Loki finished the dishes, he went along to check if you were still occupying the bathroom. When he heard the running water, he came to conclusion.

"Broken bathroom it is," He squints his eyes in annoyance, tugging down hos own towel as he made his way back downstairs.

At this point he was doing a workout.

He swings the door open to reveal a downgraded version of your bathroom. It didn't have any shower curtains, and it was slightly dirty.

He sighed, wacing a hand which cleaned some bits. Slightly satisfied, "She owes me today," Loki whispers, locking the door.


You both meet once again in the bedroom you shared with him. But, you were half dressed. He meets you with a smirk on his face while his waist was covered by his towel, looking you up and down, making you roll your eyes.

You twirled a finger, "Turn around,"

He crinkles his nose, "But I've already seen you-" He stops when he meets your glare. If looks could kill, "Alright, alright,"

He raises one hand in defeat, slowly turning around and back pedaling to reach for his armor.

You could hear the slight rumble from behind you. That armor was heavy and noisy, it was a tad funny. You could hear him struggle.

"Should've just took a suit," Loki grumbled, making you snicker as you fix your coat.

"Just use your magic," You retort, making him nod. Letting out an, 'Ah' sound. Forgetting he could even use it.

With a green shimmer, his armor was fixated on his body while you took care of your things. And his as well.

You stop in front of your mirror, noticing the missing piece. You were about to grab your tie that was hanging on top of the standing mirror only for someone else to take it.

Loki smiled, spinning you around to face him while he adjusts the tie around your neck. His smile growing wider as you brushed his hair. Times like this, the both of you just wanted to stay with each other.

"As much I like having you in my arms, we're gonna be late," You spoke, making him pout, "Come on, you big baby," You pat his cheek.


With Loki finally outside, he stopped dead in his tracks when you called for him. "Yes?" He asks, watching as you went beside him.

"You forgot something," You pant.

"Right," He presses his lips onto yours, making you turn a dark shade of red. He nods when you take out his dagger.

"I meant this but.." You hand it over, making him smirk as he pulled you in for another kiss.


Mickey Mouse is invading my nightmares.


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