(Fluff) Bartender : NB reader 1

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Every time Loki passes through the streets, he swore he could see the scowls on people's faces whenever they see and familiarize with him.

Deciding to escape the judgement, he enters the nearest coffee shop to him. He was met by the bell ringing on top of him.

The scenery was gorgeous, walls painted with cute icons with plants hanging from the bookshelves and the lovely scent of chocolate spreading around.

"It's a little early, Sir. I don't think we're quite ready to serve yet," Someone speaks up, in front of him was a desk and a lovely person pops up.

They held a tray filled with steaming treats dazzled with syrup and sugary powder. It got Loki drooling.

"Ah, right.." Loki trails, despite the worker's information, he kept moving forward, "When is the opening?" He asks, "And..maybe your name?"

You smiled, watching as he lent a hand, "Y/n," You answered, dropping the tray and gave his hand a firm shake, "We open in the afternoons. We get more customers that way,"

"May I stay here? I just need to.."


"I see you've probably noticed who I am,"

"Doesn't really matter," He raised a brow at that, "I mean- you are trying to redeem yourself, right?"


"Well, then, I won't judge," You shrugged, "You can stay," You answered, taking out a plate, "And hey, maybe you could try my new drinks,"

"Just don't make them poisoned," He joked, making you let out a tiny laugh.

You went over to your mini-fridge and took out several drinks, setting it on top of the tray on your one hand.

"Can your stomach handle three cold drinks?" You ask, closing the fridge with your hip as you slide the tray in front of him.

"Us Asgardians have bottomless stomachs, I'm sure I can," He smiles, watching as you wrote something on top of the drinks.


It said,

"I have a feeling you purposely misspelled my name," He puts his hands on his hips, giving you a look.

"What?" You scoffed, "Of course not,"

"Yes, that's why it's spelled Laki on all of the three drinks. Very nice," He nods, taking one of the drinks.

"Hey, maybe if you come back more I'll learn your name better," You leaned onto the counter, making him smile as he drank.

It was like a burst of flavors ran through him and the fact that his heart felt light. It was either the drink was magic for him or you charmed him.

"Are you flirting with me?" He asks as he removes the straw out of his mouth.

Even with the cold drink and his Jotunheim genetics, he could still feel heat rise to his cheeks. It felt so infamiliar.

You shrugged, "Like I said. You have to keep visiting my store to find out more about me,"

So he did.

He usually spent his times by the bookshelves where he got a clear view of you. It felt nice to be accepted. With you by his side, it gave him another reason to prove himself.

There was something warm that forms in his chest everytime he sees you, everytime you talked to him with such friendliness he thought he didn't deserve.

Every time he came, you also always misspelled his name. It was on purpose, of course, you wanted him to keep visiting.

"See you again tomorrow?" Your usual question every time he was about to head out.

"Of course, always,"


"What's got you looking all dolled-up, reindeer games?" Tony asks as he enters his room, he did it almost everyday, he had to, checking up on him was Tony's job.

"It's none of your business, Stark," Loki answers, looking at himself one more time in the mirror.

"Are you drunk?"

He ignored Tony's comment, walking away from the tower with extra joy in his steps.

Moving towards the coffee shop he familiarized with all too well.

If you're asking why he's so..energetic. He's planning to ask you out. He wanted to a couple of times, but he always failed, seemingly his fears getting the best of him.

But today was the day.

Today is the day, Loki thought to himself as he entered, seeing your warm smile made his lips purse, nevermind..

"Loki!" You called, "You've got to taste my new drink," You ushered, making him rush in front of you. That date could wait, maybe he needs a bit more time.

"What's it called?" He asks, taking his time as he seemingly enjoyed the new coffee for him.

"Go on a date with me,"

His eyes widen, choking on his drink. You snorted, giving him a towel to cover his mouth with.

"The drink is called, "Go on a date with me,"" You rephrased, making him nod slowly. He wasn't going to lie, there was some disappointment in him, "The idea is, customers give it to their special someone as a proposition to ask them out,"

"It's-It's a nice drink," Loki coughs, patting his chest as he threw the tissue to the trash. But comong back, he saw your smile, "Yes?"

"Was it a yes or no?"

"Beg your pardon?"

"I asked you out on a date. Was it a yes or no?" You swore you could see the explosion of suprise in his face and how his face turned red.

It could've just been how he choked on the drink, though.

"Y-yes?" He answers, voice-cracking.

You grinned, "Great! Dinner at that new restaurant?" You ask, "I'll take that as a yes," You added as he only replied with a squeak.

He couldn't handle it anymore, when he felt your lips press to his cheek, he ran out the store in a fluster.


You could tell I'm running out of ideas.


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