(Fluff) Midnight Jewelers

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You awoke in the middle of the night due to a sudden creaking noise. The compound wasn't really noisy, especially in the middle of the night. Being apart of the Avengers, they would take as much rest as they possibly could. Being busy and all.

So, deciding to investigate, with something to protect you of course. Some weapons grasped tightly in your hand as you continued your walk.

The hallways were empty, dark and wide as it usually was. Your footsteps were louder than it was, sounds at night were louder than morning. Crossing rooms, you found the door that reached outside open. Did someone go in? Or did someone succesfully take anything?

You nudged through the door to see someone slumped down on the grass with a box of beads. His hands maneuvering once in a while. You narrowed your eyes and you felt your shoulders relax. It was just Loki.

You hid your weapon in your boots. Didn't need it when it was just him. He was practically harmless...to you.

"What are you doing awake in the middle od the night?" You ask behind him, making him jump as grasp his chest.

He glanced towards you and back to what he was holding, trying his best to hide it. Covering it inside his shirt.

"What are you hiding?" You ask in a teasing kind of voice, sitting on the grass right beside him as he pulled the box of beads closer to him.

"It's nothing. Nothing you need to worry about," He tried to nudge the box behind him, only to sigh, knowing he was caught, "What are you doing in the middle of the night..with a gun?"

"You woke me up. I thought there was an intruder," You answered, making him mumble an apology, "Are you making bracelets?"

He nodded timidly, waving a hand through his hair. He felt a wave of embarrasment wash through him.

"No need to act like I'll get mad at you," You smiled, nudging closer beside him, "I think it's pretty cool. Can I join in?"

"Of course," He said with disbelief, pushing the box of beads so it could be hit by moonlight. Having you access.

It wasn't just beads. There were wires, simple tools to bend them and crystal-shaped beads and others.

You went ahead and took one of the wires and the metal stick, wrapping the hard wire around it to form a circle.

"So, why are you up?" You ask, twisting and turning the copper wire. It looked like gold, that's why you chose it.

"Ah..a nightmare. That's all," He answered simply, letting the beads drop along the elastic string while he watched your fingers maneuver every once in a while.

"Want to share it?" You inquire. Letting your back lean against his as you drop a green bead that fell in the middle. Wrapping some ends of the ring with your favorite-colored wires.

Loki sighs, "It was about Thanos..again. I know we've ended him but I can't seem to forget about him,"

He measures the bracelet on your wrist, fitting perfectly as he made a pattern of F/c and green.

"It's like he attached himself into my mind. Even the simple color made my skin crawl," Loki shivers. A nod coming from you.

"I think I know a way to distract you," You spoke, inserting the handmade ring onto his finger. Watching as he admires it with a smile, "That is, if you want?"

"For you, I'd fly to the moon," He flirts, slipping the bracelet on your wrist. It made you giggled, feeling your cheeks heat up.

"Whatever, you flirt. Come on, the city is prettier at night," You stood up. Intertwining his hand in yours as you left the box of beads on the grass.


Loki followed you into the back of a large clock. It was a building-like town clock which you usually hung out during lonesome days.

"This will help me forget, how?" He asks, watching as you ran your hand across the wall. Stopping when you felt a bump.

"I said distract, so, we'll have to see if it works," You grunt as you pulled the wooden door that covered your entrance out, "After you, prince of Asgard," You bowed teasingly.

"Haha," He laughed sarcastically, entering the dark room.

You entered right after, closing the entrance to keep this place a secret. Which removed the only source of light.

"Are you going to kill me?" Loki asked in the dark, making you snort. You head over with your arms out.

Once you felt the feeling of cloth, the rope, you tugged it hard so your invention would work.

Once you heard a thud, lights went across the ceiling. Creating star-like lights that made your eyes twinkle in delight.

"Like it? I made it myself," You ask, passing through Loki who looked up in awe, "I had," You grunt as you pull out a mattress, "A bunch of time back then, so I made this,"

He watches as the mattress falls on the ground, leaving a thud. You slumped down of the plush area and pat beside you.

"Is this sanitary?" He asks, making you roll your eyes.

"Are you that dramatic?" You retort, a glare in response, "Yes, it is. This place is always cleaned by a guy named Stan,"

You let your back fall on the mattress, smiling to yourself as you felt Loki lay beside you.

"Didn't think you would actually lay down with me," You taunt, making him scoff. You turned around so you could face him. Hoping he couldn't hear the pestering noise of your heart beating fast.

"You think so lowly of me?" He asks.

"Of course not. I think the highest of you," You grinned, watching as he removes a strand of hair from your face.

While you hoped he didn't hear your beating heart, he hoped you didn't notice his flushed cheeks.

"So.." He started awkwardly, fiddling with the ring inserted on his finger, "Does this ring mean anything..or?"

It took you a second to respond, which concerned him. Your mind raced with different replies to that question. Not keeping him waiting, you said the last thing that came to mind.

"It means my undying love for you," You felt an immediate regret churn in your stomach as you watch his eyes widen. Making you clear your throat, "Sorry, I shouldn't have said-"

You stopped when his hands reach for your face. Feeling his cold hands warm up your heated cheeks.

"Please, say that again," He pleads.

You took a sharp and shaky breath, "I love you. I have for a while now," You admit, making him smile.

"I love you too," He whispers. Slowly leaning in as you do the same, both your eyes fluttering shut as you felt your heart explode.

He captures your lips in his and you could feel his rejoiced smile through it. Your hands tangling his hair as the night carries on.


Had a nightmare about Mickey Mouse trying to kill me. It was a nice start for the day.


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