Chapter 38

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A/N: There has been a LONG wait for this chapter and I apologise! Exam and assessment season has started and I've been up to my head in work and revision!

Thank you to all my dedicated readers for waiting patiently! There's still more to come with MBFW ;)

Let me know your feedback! Comment and vote :)

Stay lovely xx.

"Do you have to go to work?" 

"Yes Harry" 

"Call in sick" 

"No Harry" 


"No buts Harry" 

I sighed, trying to fight the smile that was threatening to spill across my lips. After our small conversation last night, we had both fallen asleep on the sofa. 

I was confused when I woke up the next day on Harry's bed. The only solution I had was he had carried me up to bed. He had changed me into one of his t-shirts, ridding me of any other article of clothing other than my lingerie. 

The thought made me blush. 

It was something he had done on multiple occasions, but now it seemed intimate. I blamed it on my lack of control towards my feelings when it came to Harry. 

"I wouldn't go to work if it was you asking me" He mumbled under his breath childishly. 

i shook my head. 

"No you wouldn't Harry" 

"Yes I would" 

"You would disappoint thousands of fans?" 


"That's what I thought too" I felt pretty proud of myself, managing to stand my ground. I would happily take the day off work but I knew my boss would not be happy. 

Harry was still lying in the messy sheets as he watched me through the mirror. I finished straightening my hair, trying hard not to lock my gaze with my curly haired friend. 

"You look nice" 

A smile took over my lips. I placed the straighteners down, turning around to look at him. 

"Aren't you kind" I mused. His cheeky grin graced his lips. 

I walked over to his wardrobe, looking for something suitable to throw over me. It looked warm outside, but you could never trust the British weather. 

"Borrow one of my shirts if you want" 

I shrugged my shoulders and went over to his side of the wardrobe. My face dropped when I opened the doors. Where my clothes usually stayed, was now filled with pretty dresses and tops I had never seen before. 

I could only guess they belonged to Taylor. 

I wondered where my stuff had gone. Were they now in the guest room? Or had he put them away in a bag and left it in his store cupboard? I wanted to ask for my clothing back but thought against it. Now wasn't the time. 

I tried to quickly wipe away my face of disappointment as I pulled out Harry's black and white check shirt and threw it on. 

"Thank you" I mumbled, walking over to my shoes and slipping them on. "Do you have plans for today?" 

He hesitated. "I'm meeting with the wedding planner and Taylor at 12" 

I nodded my head. 

"Sounds fun" I grabbed my phone and checked the time. "I have to go Harry" 

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