Just a little note...

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Hey guys, how is everyone?

I'm sorry that the update is taking so much longer than usual! As many of you know I've moved into dorms/halls at University and have officially begun :)

I'm planning on updating sometime this week. Thank you for being patient with me. How is school/college/University? Has everyone been enjoying being back after the summer holidays?

I just wanted to say that you guys make me really really happy and proud of myself! Every time I see the amount of reads going higher it makes me feel like I've accomplished something and a step towards being a writer.

I love you all so much.

A little note for what is to come with the next chapter?

Get your tissues ready! It made me emotional writing the first half :(

Hope you're all well and thank you again! I love you all so much!

I'm sorry this isn't an update but one is coming really really soon! love you all so much.

Stay lovely xx.

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