Chapter 16 Part Two

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A/N: This chapter took longer to upload than I expected. Thank you for bearing with me, I was planning on updating earlier but my mum isn't well and I've been helping look after her.

I hope this chapter is worth the wait! It's much much longer than any chapter I have done so far. Please don't forget to vote, comment and tell others!! Stay lovely xx.


Harry's penetrating gaze held mine as Mark turned around, his hand immediately going around my waist as he stared at the towering boy beside the door way. The blush on my cheeks deepened, I just pray I didn't look like a roasted tomato right now. I felt like I should say something to ease the awkwardness but nothing came to mind. Luckily for me, the groom-to-be spoke first.

"Did I interrupt something?" His voice was awfully calm, contradicting his hard stare and stance. Anyone would think he was ready to pounce on someone.

"Yes" I whispered at the same time Mark replied "No". I looked at him in confusion and it seemed he held the same look too.

It wasn't like it was the first time we got caught in a heated make out session. I can still remember the first time Harry walked in on me straddling Mark on my sofa. Marks t-shirt was on the floor alongside mine and he was in the middle of unclasping my bra. Come to think of it, Harry had the same annoyed and murderous look on his face that day too.

The thought alone made me blush harder, who knows what would have happened if Harry hadn't walked in yet again. That boy seemed to have poor timing. Then again the thought alone excited me. No matter how minimum his touch is, Mark always sends my body into a frenzy. My mind pictured his sweaty body above mine as he makes sweet yet rough love to my...

"... Okay Sid?" My some what dirty thoughts came to a halt at the mention of my name. Harry watched me expectantly from the door way, his eyes softer than they were a few minutes ago.

"Err okay?" I mumbled, unsure about what the two boys were talking about. Had I answered wrong or right? Wait, what had I just agreed on?

Mark leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek before retreating towards the door. Where was he going? Without thinking, I reached out a hand and grabbed his arm. He turned around, looking slightly amused.

"Where are you going?" I whispered, as I walked a little closer. I didn't want Harry to know I wasn't exactly listening to what he had to say. I'm not sure if I'm ready to forgive him yet; that's if he is here to apologise to me for his behaviour a couple of hours ago.

"I knew you weren't listening"

I looked at Mark in confusion, silently asking him to elaborate his point. He leaned in slightly as his eyes came levelled with mine.

"From the flicker in your eyes I could tell your mind was thinking about... About me making you scream over that desk over there"

His eyes flickered to the table to our right and my cheeks instantly flamed again as he stood straight, my grip loosening around his arm as he watched me with a smug face.

"You can't just leave the job half-"

"I'll see you on the dance floor baby" Mark shot a wink in my direction before heading out the door. I stomped my foot like a child, I was turned on and I wanted Mark right now!

Harry came back into view again, for a second I had forgotten we weren't alone. I hope he hadn't heard any of our conversation, now that would be more embarrassing than us getting caught physically.

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