Chapter 52 Part Three

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A/N: I haven't had time to proof read so I'm going to apologise in advance for any mistakes! WE ARE SO CLOSE TO THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I honestly don't know how to feel right now. This is a long ass chapter btw. 

One Direction- Half a Heart 

Stay lovely xx. 

I try and control my breathing and I try and calm the beating of my heart, but it was hard to do with his lips touching mine.

We moved slowly in sync, the feeling of his lips sending shots of electric through my entire body. I was pretty sure he could feel my heart beating fast as he presses his body against mine.

A small moan escapes my lips as I reach my fingers into his still wet hair. This is it. This is what I had been waiting for. He removes his hand from my cheek as he wraps his arms around my waist. 

He's holding me tightly, as though he was scared I would disappear. I understood though, I was scared that this was all just in the heat of the moment. 

I was scared that he would realise what a terrible decision he made and leave. 

 There were so many feelings rushing around inside of me. There was lust from the kiss, love from his hold, fear from the unknown. 

Harry's nibbling on my lip and I try and hold back another moan. I hated how my whole entirety was putty in his hands.

Harry pulls away as he presses a small kiss to the corner of my lips.

"I love you"

I had been waiting to hear those three words. Those three words that managed to rid the fear. Those three words that managed to erase the uneasiness. Those three words that managed to make the world stand still for a few seconds. 

I don't respond. I tighten my fingers in his hair and pull him down, pressing my lips firmly against his.

I've wanted this, I've wanted this for so long. I've wanted the feeling of his lips on mine again. I've wanted to feel his body pressed tightly against mine again. I've wanted to run my fingers through his ever growing hair again. I've wanted to hear those three words again. 

His lips leave mine as he maneuvers his head down my neck, leaving a wet trail of kisses along the way. He hovers over a spot next to the base of my neck, his warm breath doing wonders to the nerves in my body. 

"I remember when I placed a kiss here before..." He mumbles, voice an octave deeper. I would be lying if I said his voice didn't turn me on. 

"I remember the way your breath hitched. You must have known..." His hair is tickling my skin as I listen to his words, as I remember that time he had kissed that exact spot on my neck. When he kissed my neck and my breath hitched and he pulled away, only to pull back in and kiss it again. 

He knew. He knew what he was doing that night. 

"You must have known I liked the reaction your body had to my lips" My eyes close as I listen, as I wait for him to press his lips to my skin again. 

"I didn't" I whisper. "I didn't know anything" 

He shakes his head, the hairs tickling my chin. 

"How blind were we both to not realise" I nod my head. How stupid could we be to not know each other's feelings. All this time we thought we knew each other, but really we didn't know each other at all. 

"Fuck, I love you" He mumbles as he presses a kiss down to the base of my neck. My eyes fly open as a moan leaves my lips. He pushes my body into the door at the sound as he kisses, bites and licks. 

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