Chapter 28

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A/N: How is everyone? There's a lot happening in this chapter so enjoy! Please make sure you vote, comment and FAN. I always aim for an additional 2K reads before I update, so tell others about my story! It'll make me update a lot more faster.

Stay lovely xx.

I was back at work again. I hadn't realised how much I had missed the normality of my job, it seemed this was the only thing that remained the same in my crazy life. I pushed myself, trying to read as many transcripts as I could possibly handle, the scenarios within the pages keeping my mind busy.

It's been two days since I last saw Harry and we hadn't made any moves to contact each other. When Niall and I had woken up that morning, Harry had already left. There wasn't a trace of him and I wondered if he had actually stayed the night.

I had received a text from Eleanor at lunch time, stating all the bridesmaids were meeting later on in the day to narrow our choices on the bridesmaid dresses. Even after finding out how much Taylor disliked me, I wondered why she kept me as one of her bridesmaids. It was one of life's wonders. A part of me no longer wanted to be a part of this wedding. I wanted to call off my presence, I doubt I would be missed by either the bride or the groom.

"Have a nice day Sydney" My boss smiled brightly up at me as I hovered beside her desk. She was more than happy with having six transcripts done in one day and another fifteen over the week I had taken off.

"Thanks Emma, I'll see you tomorrow"

I made my way out of the building, saying my goodbyes to any colleagues I passed. We were all meeting at Gemma's to discuss the bridesmaid dress options. I had guessed Eleanor was in London to be with Louis.

I was grateful with how close we all lived to each other. I reached Gemma's within 15 minutes. I mentally thanked the lack of traffic today too. Gemma was all smiles as she opened the door and welcomed me with open arms. It seemed she didn't have a clue about what had happened with Harry and I a couple of days ago.

"The final bridesmaid has arrived. Anna couldn't make it because of work but she said she's happy with whatever we decide" She announced, guiding me into her cozy living room.

"That's sucky, It's been a while since I last saw Anna" I frowned.

There were small chuckles floating through the air as I entered the room. There was six of us bridesmaids in the UK. According to what Harry had said, she had another five overseas. I guess that was an upside, or downside, with marrying someone from the other side of the world. Taylor, the other five bridesmaids and her maid of honour, Selena, had picked out five different dresses and left the final decision for us.

Eleanor, Ellie, Chloe and Lou were all sat around the coffee table, mugs and papers scattered everywhere.

"Short notice on the bridesmaid meeting don't you think?" I asked, an eyebrow quirked.

They all hummed in response, Lou muttering something under her breath. I wondered if she knew what had happened between me and Harry. He was very close to Lou and she was his shoulder when he couldn't turn to me.

"Tell me about it. I got the text this morning off Harry" Gemma mumbled.

I sighed, taking a seat next to Eleanor. She leaned over and gave me a small hug, whispering how we needed a catch up soon. I agreed, last time I had seen her was at Harry and Taylor's engagement. The thought of their engagement managed to bring back some of the pain I had felt a couple of days ago, I didn't want to think of them. I didn't want to think about anything that related to love.

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