Chapter 17

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I traced small circles on Mark's bare chest, the heat emitting from his bare skin soothing my wandering mind. It was times like this that made it to my top 10 favourite moments, being here in Mark's arm at dumb o'clock in the morning. I knew I had woken up earlier than I usually did but watching Mark sleep was one of the most beautiful and calming things in this world. His lips were parted as deep, steady breaths erupted making his chest rise and fall at a heavenly pace. His hair was unkempt atop of his head from all the times I had ran my fingers through it last night.

A blush instantly made its way to my cheeks as I stared at our bare bodies moulded together in Mark's white sheets. It looked a scene from a movie. As I continued to watch my sleeping beauty in his slumber, I couldn't help but be happy with my decision. Meeting someone like Mark comes once in a lifetime and I must've done something good in a previous life to have him laying here beside me. He made me forget about all my worries with just one touch and he made me feel wanted and loved.

A phone continued to buzz behind me leaving me wondering whether it was mine or Mark's. Without wanting to wake him up because of my curiosity, I slowly pulled a leg out from between his and turned my body, reaching behind me to grab the phone that was beginning to get on my nerves.

With one swift movement, I managed to grab both phones without jolting my body forward and waking Mark. From the Paris inspired phone case, I could tell it was my phone flashing with several messages. I sighed, placing Mark's phone under my pillow before unlocking my own to see who else could possibly be awake at 5:20am in the morning.

Harry's name flashed on my screen with several texts and missed calls. After Mark and I had left their engagement party last night, we vowed to keep our phones on silent so we could enjoy it just being the two of us. I opened up the string of messages, curious as to know what Harry wanted so early in the morning. The messages ranged from:

"Where have you gone?"

"Why didn't you tell me you would be leaving so early?"

"Am I allowed to explain what happened on the dance floor?"

"You aren't talking to me are you..."

The recent messages which were sent two minutes ago were the weirdest of the collection.

"Can you meet me Sid? Please, we need to talk xx."

"I'll come to yours if you're there"

"I'll even buy you breakfast :D"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his bribery. How stupid can he be? After ditching me right in front of the one person who seems to hate me, does he really think he can win me over by buying me breakfast? And there was no way in hell I would let Mark wake up to cold sheets. It wasn't worth leaving him here alone. Instead of texting back, I opened up Harry's contact and waited for him to pick up the phone. The first ring hadn't even sounded before Harry's heavy breathing could be heard.

"Does this mean you will meet me?" Harry's voice was loud and deep through the phone, conflicting the calmness within the room.

"Please talk quietly, Mark is still sleeping" I whispered into the phone. Mark stirred slightly making me hold my breath. I didn't want to wake him from his deep slumber, he looked so peaceful.

"Sorry" I heard Harry whisper as I placed a hand on Mark's cheek, lightly brushing my thumb across his jawline. Instantly his movements ceased as he inhaled and exhaled deeply.

"Harry I'm not calling to agree on meeting you, I'm calling to refuse"

"Why Sydney? We need to talk"

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