Chapter 26

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I watched on as my phone continuously buzzed. Harry must be desperate if he told over me to Niall. His text messages and calls were slowly beginning to get on my nerves. I didn't want him to call if he was siding Harry, especially when Harry was in the wrong.

"Babe just pick up the phone" Mark whined beside me. We were laid down, under the duvet of his childhood bed. Not much has changed about his bedroom, it was just a little more empty.

After leaving Anne's home, we were welcomed with open arms at Katherine's. Mark's mum was all smiles and tears, seeing Mark and I after four long months. Katherine cried harder when she heard Mark say he loves me. The smile on my face was unmovable, her stories keeping us entertained up until it was past midnight.

"He'll just scold me because of Harry"

"He won't babe, and if he does I'll just dye his hair blue again"

I chuckled under my breath at the memory. It was a prank gone wrong. Niall has always been my partner in crime and when Mark and I joined them on tour, Mark soon became jealous. His jealously leading to him putting blue hair dye in Niall's conditioner. It was meant to be something that washed out after the first rinse. But it took Lou a full day to get out. Niall had to perform with a snap-back on that day.

Mark's hold around my waist tightened, his face buried in the crook of my neck. I inhaled a deep breath as he pressed his soft lips on the base of my neck, leaving a trail of kisses up to my jaw.

"If you're gonna kiss me like that, I think I'll pass on picking up the phone" I whispered. Mark's hand slowly crept up under his t-shirt that I was currently wearing. His touch was teasing, squeezing lightly at my thighs, my hips and my breasts.

"Oh really?" Mark's voice was an octave deeper, huskier. Even in the limited lighting in the room, I could see his smirk. He buried his face in the crook of my neck once more, biting down on the flesh.

"Mark" His name slipped past my lips as he gently sucked.

He hummed in response, his teeth grazing over the sensitive skin before lightly sucking once more. My eyes closed at the sensation, his soft lips leaving a harsh mark to my skin. Mark pulled away, hot breath soothing the now sensitive skin as he placed a kiss on top.

"I love you baby" He whispered, his fingers holding my chin, guiding my eyes to look into his.

"I love you too" Mark's lips were pressed firmly against mine, his body rolling, trapping me under him. All the while he didn't break the kiss, his teeth pulling at my bottom lip earning a moan on my part.

Beside us, the phone began to ring again. I pulled away, looking at the IPhone that was currently on Mark's bedside table. Sighing heavily, I looked back at Mark.

"To be continued" I mumbled, pulling him back down for a quick kiss on the lips. A breathy chuckle escaped as he firmly pressed his lips against mine.

"You have 10 Minutes"

He pulled away, rolling onto his side of the bed. I jumped out of the covers and retrieved the phone. I quickly slid the green bar just as the phone began to ring again.

"Hold on Niall"

I blew a kiss in Mark's direction and he jokingly caught it, placing it against his chest. With a goofy smile etched on my lips, I walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

"If you're calling to scold me, you might as well put the phone down now" I spoke in a monotone, reaching the end of the staircase. I made my way into the empty kitchen.

"You think so highly of me Sydney" Niall scoffed.


I kept the kitchen lights off, finding the darkness comforting. With one hand holding the phone to my ear, I pulled myself up onto the kitchen counter, getting myself comfortable. It was difficult lifting my body weight up with one hand. I seriously needed to cut back on my snacking. Niall's voice floated through the speaker, humour evident in his voice.

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