Chapter 19

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Sand dusted her hands and knees as she made her way under the tree where small sniffles could be heard. It was straight after school and she had met a little boy who seemed to have grown very fond of her and vice versa. Her mummy had picked her straight up from school and now she stood in the small park next to her home, watching a small figure with his legs tucked under him and his head bent low. She was hesitant at first but the mop of brown hair looked so familiar and the boy looked so sad. It made Sydney wonder. She liked being alone when she was sad and she wondered if the boy was the same.

Slowly, Sydney walked the short distance towards the sniffling boy and sat beside him. He didn't seem to react to her being beside him so she did the only thing that came to mind, and that was to wrap her short tanned arms around the boy. Her mummy had always told her to be nice to someone who is upset.

"Don't be sad please" Sydney muttered, hoping he would listen to her small pleads and stop crying. She could feel the boy stiffen under her touch and instantly Sydney regretted her decision to hold him. Maybe he did like being on his own when he was sad.

"Get away from me!" The boy shrieked and instantly, she was pushed back flat against the ground as the boy stood, wiping his cheeks furiously.

familiarity flashed through the green of his irises as his eyes widened a fraction and he took a step back.

"I'm sorry" His voice was barely a whisper as he ran away, leaving the little girl laying on the ground with mud covering her palms. Why was Harry crying on his own? Sydney liked Harry and she didn't want to see him sad on his own.

Sydney was stubborn for her age and did the opposite of what any normal child would do, she ran after him all the while ignoring the stinging pain in her left palm where it had grazed slightly. She had to be home soon and she knew she couldn't stray too far away from the park or else her mummy would get mad.

It didn't take long to find Harry again, he was in the same cuddled up position as before under a larger tree at the end of the park. It was where a small sunflower patch had been planted and the exact same spot Sydney went when she liked looking at the different shaped clouds. Being a six year old was hard, everything was confusing and grown ups never helped her understand anything. She still wondered why her daddy was never around, her mummy always said he was at work but then why did she hide and cry like Harry did? Is Harry missing his daddy too?

This time Sydney didn't hesitate to take a seat next to Harry and wrap her arms around him. He was unresponsive as her arms wrapped around him like a missing puzzle piece and the warmth of his body spread through her body. Harry didn't pull away this time, instead he leaned in to the warmth of Sydney's embrace and they sat in a comfortable silence. For the first time, Sydney didn't feel awkward or left out, she felt like she belonged next to this broken little boy who was crying in her arms.

"Th-Thank you Sydney" Harry whispered into her arms as he pulled away. He sniffled loudly a couple of times before making a sweater paw with his red sweater and wiped away the fresh and dry tears.

"Mummy always said to be nice to upset people" She mumbled proudly, feeling accomplished and thankful for her mummy's advice.

"My mummy says the same"

Sydney didn't know what to say to that, she felt as though the boy she was becoming more and more fond of was more like her than she realised. In school the children were mean to him because he was smaller and liked different things. But Sydney likes different, different is good.

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