Chapter 21

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I'm uploading off my phone today and I apologise in advance if there's any mistakes. Thank you to all my readers and voters, I love you with all my heart.

Stay lovely xx.


The clock read 1:26am when I entered my home, my bag and coat deposited at the foot of my stair case. I stretched my arms over my head and yawned loudly, Mark's t-shirt riding up my legs in the process. I decided against wearing my clothes after having a shower at his place simply because I was too lazy to dress myself. Soft snoring sounds floated through the hallway as I moved into my living room to find someone sleeping on the sofa. The sight of Harry curled up in a ball made a small smile make its way to my lips as I watched his body rise and fall as he breathed at a steady pace.

I wanted to wake him and tell him to come upstairs with me so he could sleep more comfortably but I decided against that thought, for now that is. First I needed to check whether he had packed me a suitcase for our trip back home. I walked up the staircase, another yawn slipping through my lips as I stepped into my bedroom. Three piles of clothing were situated at the side of my bed; one which consisted of five tops, another with three pairs of jeans and lastly a pile of lingerie. A small blush tinged at my cheeks but I brushed it off; after all Harry was there when I bought my first bra.

The suitcase was opened and lay on the floor, my toiletry bag and two pairs of shoes already placed inside. I quickly placed the neatly folded piles of clothing into the suitcase before running around the room to grab a bottle of perfume, deodorant. my polaroid camera and my phone charger.

After zipping up my suitcase and I was content that I had everything I needed, I carefully carried it down the stairs and placed it beside Harry's. I made my way to where Harry was sleeping on the sofa and crouched down beside his head, my hand brushing away the stray pieces of hair over his forehead and closed eyes. My thumb moved in slow circular motions as I watched my best friend sleep, he looked so peaceful. I leaned down and placed a kiss on his forehead, then both his cheeks and finally the corner of his lips. I felt his stirring under my touch before I pulled away, allowing my brown eyes to stare into his clouded green ones.

"Sydney?" His voice was thick with sleep and the confused expression on his face made a helpless smile take over my face.

"Sorry for waking you" I replied with a fake guilty smile. I was definitely trying to wake him up so we could cuddle each other to sleep.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were staying at Marks"

"I didn't like the idea of leaving you here alone all night when you came here to spend time with me. Now can you get your lazy ass off my sofa so we can get into bed?"

I faked seriousness as I attempted to give him a pointed look. Harry's gaze lingered on me for a beat too long until he obliged. He stood up and took my hand, guiding me up the stairs and into the bedroom.

"I see you've finished packing" He mumbled as he proceeded to take his tight skinny jeans off with difficulty. I stifled a laugh earning a glare off Harry. It isn't my fault he likes wearing his jeans too tight.

"Thank you for getting all my essentials ready"

I didn't need to get changed, Mark's t-shirt was enough to go to sleep in. I walked into my adjoined bathroom and freshened up. It didn't take long before Harry walked in with only his boxers on as he stood beside me and we both brushed our teeth together.

"I see you had fun at Mark's" Harry's words were mushed together because of the toothpaste in his mouth but I still managed to make out the words. I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks, maybe I should've dressed in my own clothes to avoid being embarrassed.

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