Chapter 13

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Harry, Mark and I were all seated in my living room enjoying our food and light banter. After the quizzical exchange between Harry and Mark, I was left to question Mark on what all of that meant. Harry knew I would grill him next and in order to avoid a million and one questions being thrown in his direction, he insisted on going out to get more take out food instead of ordering in.

It had taken me 10 minutes to try and get a response out of Mark, but even then it was a simple "You wouldn't understand babe" which was the same thing Harry had replied with. After trying and failing, Mark and I used the remaining 30 minutes to catch up verbally and physically if you know what I mean...

I am forever grateful that it took Harry much longer than usual to get extra food. If he had walked in, I was afraid we would mentally damage the poor little thing.

"Would you put that phone down" Harry countered, causing me to jump slightly. I had forgotten about my surroundings as I was too engrossed on what was on my phone.

"Hold on love, I just have to fix some last minute details for tomorrow" I stated before focusing back on my phone. This is the most important thing to sort out and if I didn't get it right then tomorrow will be a mess.

"Look what you've done!" I heard Mark playfully shout towards Harry.

"Hey! I haven't done anything" The confusion in Harry's voice was evident. Who would have thought that I could ever multi-task. Typing on my phone and listening in to a conversation at the same time. I think that deserves an award.

"You've corrupted my girlfriend with your engagement party. Look" Mark replied dramatically and from the corner of my eye I could see him pointing towards my food. "She's hardly eaten!"

I heard an over exaggerated shocking sound leave Harry as he placed a hand over his mouth. I couldn't help but roll my eyes. These two should have been actors. idiots.

"NO!" He replied, his eyes bulging out of his sockets as he shook his head dramatically. Yep, I can just see the new headlines in the morning 'Harry Styles hits Hollywood'.

I really should be concentrating on what I'm doing instead of being side tracked by these two silly buffoons. But from the wide smirks on their faces, I could tell they knew that they have my utmost attention.

"YES HARREH!" Mark replied, his arms moving in the process as his eyes widened too.

"What should we do? Should we pin her down?" Harry suggested, and from past experience I know he isn't lying. He would literally pin me down.

"I was thinking we sit on her" Mark responded in a thoughtful voice. Urgh, I know where this is heading.

"Both?" Harry asked, I quickly locked my phone. Oh no, please no...

"Both" Mark stated and before I could jump off the couch and run to hide in the bathroom, my boyfriend and best friend stalked towards me so quickly it made me dizzy.

Harry pushed me back as Mark grabbed the phone out of my hand. I tried protesting but failed miserably as they both turned me over so I was laying on my back. Mark sat on my legs while Harry sat on my bum. They were careful to not sit on my back, boys had heavier bones and it would most likely stop any air getting into my lungs.

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