Chapter 34

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A/N: The chapter was supposed to be up yesterday BUT my flat had a massive power cut and I had no service nor any wifi. Sorry for making you all wait an extra day!

Now this chapter closes a few questions but opens up more. It made me a little emotional to write.

Strong by One DIrection fits this chapter perfectly.

Enjoy! And stay lovely xx.

The sound of something breaking had me jumping out of bed and tumbling onto the ground. The sheets were tangled between my legs and I hadn't realised Harry was half on top of me, meaning he landed above me with a soft grunt escaping his lips .

The air left my lips at the sudden weight above me and now I was fully awake.

"What the-" I mumbled to myself, opening and closing my eyes as I attempted to adjust to the light in the room and remove all traces of sleep.

When I turned my head to the left, I was left confused. There were a pair of legs that didn't belong to me or Harry next to the bedside table with Harry's lamp now in pieces scattered around the floor. My heart thumped loudly in my chest, were we getting robbed?!

I pushed Harry, trying to wake him up. Even with the disturbance of falling on the ground, he still hadn't woken up. But then again he had a soft landing.

I strained my neck, trying to follow the legs and see who they belonged to. They looked unusually familiar to me. I continued to gaze up, only to wish it was all a dream.

Did I bang my head when landing on the floor? Maybe I was hallucinating. Yeah, maybe that was it.

That thought flew out the window however, when a loud screech echoed effectively waking Harry up, his body jumping above me.


My face paled and I felt nauseous. It was Taylor.

Things were good last night. It made me forget about my troubles and heart break. But now, everything was piling on top of each other. Now everything hit me like a tonne of bricks. And the worst part of it all?

Harry and I were making progress...

"Wha- What's going on?" Harry mumbled, his hands rubbing away the sleep from his eyes.

I was too shocked to reply, to scared to say anything.

Instead I allowed Harry to gain some ground on what was unfolding in front of us. A confrontation and possibly an argument. I didn't want that. I couldn't handle that.

"Sydney?" The confused tone of his voice had me looking away from Taylor and to the boy who was pulling himself away from me. "What are you doing here?"

My eyebrows came down in a frown. What did he mean? I watched on as Harry looked over the mess on the floor. When his gaze landed on Taylor, he visibly gulped.

No, this won't be good. Even Harry knew.

"Yes. What are you doing here Sydney?"

I looked over at the pretty blonde, my mouth opening and closing but no words escaping. My gaze went from Harry to Taylor. I was still on the floor, while they stood, making me feel inferior and frail.

"I- I-" I stuttered, only to be cut off by Taylor.

"You- You what? Thought it would be okay to sleep in bed with my fiance instead of your boyfriend?!"

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