Chapter 40

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A/N- I bet you all hate me right now! I promise I've been trying so hard to update but it seems I never have enough time to go on my laptop and write. I just started my second year of University and I've moved into my new home and I haven't had any alone time since! 

But here is the chapter you have all been waiting for! I really do hope its worth the wait! I've enjoyed writing this chappy. 

How is everyone anyway? Started school/college/uni? Leave me feedback and give me a vote if you like it! 

I will be linking a new story on the next chapter that a friend has written! I will tell you this now, its freaking amazing!! 

Stay lovely xx.

(I apologise in advance of any spelling errors, I haven't proof read)

Labrinth- Jealous 

There was a buzz of loud voices in the distance that brought me back to conciousness. The bright light above me made it difficult to open my eyes. But after pushing myself once, twice, three times did I manage to open them. 

I was in a bedroom, the door opened as voices from downstairs floated in and disturbed the calmness of the room. I had passed out again. I did my usual routine; wait until the tingling in my bones faded before attempting to sit up.

There was a glass of water on the bedside table. The coolness of the water made me shiver as I downed the drink. I needed to find Harry. I needed to speak to him. 

How could he not tell me? After everything I had to go through when I told him I love him because I thought he didn't feel the same way. Even now, I can't stomach the knowledge of him loving me. How could Harry love me?! How could I not have known? 

My thought process was interrupted by the blonde haired boy in the door way. He was smiling sadly as he looked at me. 

"Passed out, again?" Niall shakes his head as he walks towards the bed. "Didn't I tell you to eat properly and look after yourself?" 

I look away, ashamed. He did. 

"I have been" I mutter, but even I knew that didn't sound strong enough to be the truth. 

I thought I was happy with Harry and I talking again, but it brought stress and worry. The constant fear that we would get caught being friends again. Thinking about it now made me laugh inwardly. A friendship had to be hidden. 

It felt like an affair.

"What have I told you about lying to me?" Niall asks in a stern voice, his voice somewhat brotherly. His bright blue eyes portrayed worry as he stared down at me. 

I rolled my eyes and recited what he has said to me on multiple occasions when I had been caught out lying . 

"Not to bother because you know when I lie. You noticed my lying tick the moment you met me and I should just give up lying altogether whenever you are around" 

My tone of voice was immaculately dull, emphasising how repeating myself over and over again will never stop me from attempting to lie to him. 

"Shame you never listened to my wise words" 

"Once you get told not to do something, you tend to get the urge to do it more" I mutter cheekily, a grin taking over my face. 

The thought of having fainted not long ago seemed to have vanished from my mind as Niall and I engaged in back and forth childish bickering. 

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