Chapter 12

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5 hours! Three agonisingly long hours were spent looking for the perfect dress and two painful hours were spent searching for the right shoes with the right amount of heel. We had to consider how much I will be walking tomorrow and how long I will be on my feet.

My phone continued to buzz as I stepped into my home and made my way up to the bedroom. I was exhausted. The first thing I wanted to do was get into my pyjamas and that is exactly what I did. After hanging up the dress and placing the bags in the corner of my bedroom, I proceeded with removing every item of clothing I had on today and chucked them into the laundry basket in my adjoining bathroom.

The cold air against my bare skin was surprisingly soothing. I didn't bother putting on a bra after that, it's more comfortable sleeping without one. One of Harry's old shirts were chucked over my head as I hopped around my bedroom trying to put on a pair of jogger shorts.

My phone buzzed again and this time I checked it straightaway.

 A long list of names appeared on my lock screen, all asking about the engagement party tomorrow. Many had wanted transport planned for them, while others wanted a brief idea on what their clothing should look like. I had no idea how they managed to get my number, but I replied to each text message without face planting against my bedroom wall.

I kept Harry's text messages till last. My mother had left several missed calls and a text message explaining why she couldn't attend the venue the next day and informed me in detail that they will in fact be attending the wedding instead. I felt a little irritated to her not being able to attend. Even though mother can be a hard faced lady most the time, she had a heart of gold and treated Harry as one of her own. It was obvious how much she wanted a boy, but instead she had to settle with me.

Light tapping pulled my focus away from my phone as I looked at my slightly opened bedroom door. I wasn't scared nor worried about who it could be.

The door was pushed open and two long legs strode into my bedroom. The black skinny jeans were slightly torn around the knees and the colour had began fading. None the less, it still figured his legs magnificently. A white t shirt adorned the top half of his torso, Ray ban sunglasses trapped around the neckline of the shirt. His hair was pushed back slightly as his green eyes made contact with my brown ones.

"I brought some Chinese food home. It's in the kitchen" I told my best friend before finishing off replying to the rest of my messages. I was so used to him showing up that it didn't bother me the slightest. I opened and closed Harry's messages, there is no point reading them now that he's here.

"Chicken chow mein?" He asked, still hovering beside the door way.

"Of course" I looked up from my phone and offered my bestie the biggest smile I could muster. I could feel my muscles relaxing just from his presence.

"Is that the dress?" Harry questioned, pointing towards the dress covered in a protective sleeve. I nodded in response, a satisfied smile playing on my lips. It had taken forever to find that dress and I was happy with the outcome.

I patted the spot beside me, indicating for Harry to sit next to  me.

"Do I get to see it?" Harry asked as he made his way towards me, our shoulders brushing in the process as he got himself comfortable. I continued watching his movements as he pulled the phone out of my hand and looked through all my messages.

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