Chapter 22

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A/N: Hello lovely's! How is everyone?

I haven't proof read the end of the chapter so I apologise for any mistakes (insert embarrassed face emoji here) Thank you and love you with all my soul!

Stay Lovely xx.

"Sydney, I'm going to say something and I don't want you to take it the wrong way, okay?"

"Just say it "


I sighed loudly at the sound of Anna's shouting coursing through the speakers of my Audi. I had to turn the volume down, too scared that cars passing by would hear her little moment of blowing my eardrums down the phone.

"Trust me, I've been asking myself the same thing Anna" I mumbled, trying hard to concentrate on the motorway in front and making sure I didn't crash into the back of any overtaking cars. I may be brain dead when it came to Harry, but I didn't want something literal to become real.

"Sid, you know I'm only saying this because I don't want you to get hurt right?"

"I know babe, Harry's just really persuasive"

She mumbled something under her breath that I didn't catch, although it wasn't very hard to distinguish what might have gotten her mumbling. I had left my house the same time Harry left to go back to his home and pick up his fiancé. It was obvious that when we all meet up at Anne's house, it's going to be awkward.

"Speak louder, I didn't catch that" I spoke sarcastically, knowing fully well she was making a snarky comment about how I'm always at Harry's beck and call. That however, is not my fault. A voice in the back of my mind sneered, it never is your fault Sydney.

After I had began making my way to my hometown, Anna decided it would be the best time to call and see if I wanted to hangout for the day- even though she knew I would have work. I had told her the situation I was in with Harry and the original plan of it just being me and him. And well, here we are, here Anna is shouting at me and burning holes into my car speakers.

"Oh shut up. I'm thinking of you Sydney-" Oh no, here comes the lecture.

"I don't want you to go through that situation of having Harry choose between you and Taylor. It's painful to see, it's painful to hear about and frankly, it's a pain in the ass. Do you understand where I'm going with this?"

"Yes" I was bored and it was shown in the tone of my voice. I have no intentions of listening to something I know about already. And lets be honest, I would rather Harry not being in that situation. Especially now that Taylor has some unknown vendetta against me. I was hoping to find out what it could be in the week at Cheshire.

Anna sighed down the phone, she was finally getting the message that I really didn't need to hear something I already knew.

"Fine, drive safely okay? And if he upsets you, you let me know. Or Gemma, she'll kick his sorry little ass" She started the sentence sounding defeated, but at the mention of Gemma, I could practically hear the smirk in her voice.

"Of course, Gem's my own personal bodyguard"

"Hell yes! Good bye Sydney" She giggled down the phone as I reciprocated my goodbye and cut the line. The sound of Mayday Parade vibrated through my speakers, making me momentarily forget my conversation with Anna and the possible 'situation' I was in.

For all I know, this could pan out either way.


"I was wondering what took you so long!"

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