Chapter 43

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A/N: Here is the next chapter! 

I don't really know what to say, and I don't know who I want Sydney to be with at the end of the story. What does everyone think? 

Please don't forget to vote for the chapter if you enjoyed reading it :) it gives the story a boost! I can't believe how many reads it has! Thank you all so much for taking the time out of your busy lives to read what I write. I love you all, 

stay lovely xx.

5 Seconds of Summer- Never Be 

Mark and I had two weeks till we left for LA. I had stayed at his for the past week after he continuously told me he didn't want me to be on my own. 

We had gone down to Manchester a couple of days ago to make sure everything was okay with his new apartment. I had bought little things to make the place homely. 

Compared to the first time I had come, the realtor had put in the furniture meaning we had a place to sit and sleep. It came ready furbished so he didn't have to worry about furniture but I took it upon myself to get him a little pin board for his bedroom. I printed out photos and set to work to make a little collage for him of us and all our friends. 

Little candles were scattered around the place, with a few photo frames and cute little ornaments. He refused to have anything in the shape of a heart. 

"You're making it way too feminine, considering there is no woman living there" He had said with stern eyes. One of his eyebrows were quirked as I gave him my best puppy dog look. 

"Just one?" I asked in a childish voice. He held his ground, his façade not fading. I huffed and put the wooden heart back on the shelf. 

To my surprise, I found it hung on the handle of his wardrobe when we got home. 

"Fine, I bought it when you weren't looking" He said, avoiding all eye contact with me. 

My smile was wide as I jumped up and down on the spot and embraced him in a warm hug. 

"You're the best Mark" I mumbled as I pressed a hard kiss on his cheek. 

We spent a couple of nights in Manchester, giving him time to get used to the place. I liked it, in a matter of hours it was a lot more homely than our first trip. We spared some time to go visit our parents, my mum and Marks mum both devastated that we were no longer together. 

"But I thought you were the one for him" Katherine had said, her eyes getting watery. 

I ran to her side and embraced her in a warm hug, telling her that even though we were no longer together, we were still very much best friends. 

"Did you guys have a fall out?" 

I look over to Mark who stood quietly. I'll be honest, I thought Mark was the one for me. I thought maybe we would find a way around all our obstacles and maybe be together until we were old. 

"No mum, we love each other" He said softly, a ghost of a smile on his lips. 

"Then what happened?" Her voice was curious, as she looked between us both. 

"There's not enough hours in the day to explain" I mumble with a chuckle. Mark chuckles too, a glint in his eyes. 

"But I promise you, nothing was ever wrong with our relationship" 

That suspicious look in Katherine's eyes never faded but she dropped the subject. My mum however, didn't question it. She was sad Mark and I weren't together but she knew why. 

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