Chapter 36

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A/N: I've been taking longer to update and this chapter is a little longer than the usual ones to make up for it. I hope everything that happens in this chapter is worth the long wait!

Did everyone have a good Christmas and New Years?

I can't believe it's already 2015! I feel like I'm getting too old too quickly haha.

I know I'm a little late but happy birthday to LibbyMaxey! You have the same birthday as my mummy ;) hope you had a brilliant day babe!

Please vote and comment your favourite bits, It always puts a smile on my face :)

Stay lovely xx.

Years and Years- Eyes Shut

I woke up to the sound of light snoring and heat warming up one side of my body. The duvet had fallen to the ground and Harry had taken it upon himself to use me as a make shift duvet. His head was placed on my chest, one arm beside my head while the other rested on my belly. His legs were above and in between my own.

It felt weird, yet so right to have him here. I thought I would have to get used to it, to sleeping without Harry. But the opposite had happened, and now he was here.

I couldn't help but smile in my drowsy state as played with his slightly too long hair. It had out grown from his usual curls, and now stayed in long, loose ringlets. The look suited him well. The dark sky told me it was still early hours into the night and I didn't have it in me to move or wake Harry up.

Instead I laid there and played with his hair. The occasional purr would escape his lips whenever I scratched his scalp. I felt my eyelids getting heavy, and I allowed drowsiness to wash over me.



Light shakes to my body woke me up the next morning, a warm breath fanning over my face. Slowly, I willed my eyelids to open, only to find a smiling and tired Harry staring back at me.

"It's two in the afternoon" He mumbled, his voice still laced heavy with sleep.

I moved my head to the side, looking out the window. The sky was cloudy, an indication that it had or was about to rain. A yawn slipped past my lips as I looked back at Harry.

"The weather never stays good here" I whined softly, my hand reaching up to remove the hair on my face. Harry continued to smile, his green eyes bright with life. The sight alone brought warmth within me.

"Tell me about it"

A chuckle escaped his lips as he moved over my body and stood beside the bed. I watched his movements intently, trying to shake off the last shimmers of sleep.

"I made breakfast"

I smiled. Harry makes a mean breakfast!

"I'll be down in a sec" Another yawn slipped past my lips.

I sat up, stretching my arms while mewling like a cat. That was the best sleep I've had in ages. Harry's only response was a chuckle as he left the room, heading back into the kitchen.

I looked around the room after he left. Everything seemed so much brighter today, even if the weather outside was horrible. Not wanting to go down to a cold breakfast, I hurried out of bed and made my way to the kitchen. A plate full of eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes and cheese greeted me and I couldn't help but smile wide.

"An almost full English ey?" I laughed to myself as he shrugged his shoulders.

"I know how much you love them"

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