Chapter 39

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A/N: I hadn't realised how long its been since I last updated! I'm so sorry for making you wait for so long! My summer holidays are beginning soon and I have officially finished University for the year so hopefully there will be more regular updates!

Most of you are going to KILL me for leaving you with a cliffhanger on this chapter. But at least we get some questions answered right?

Please leave me some feedback and star this chapter if you like it :)

Stay lovely xx.

Everyone had finished eating a half hour ago. I thought it would be courteous to stay at least an hour after eating but I could no longer handle the smug looks Taylor shot my way.

For now, she had stopped the questions. But I could tell she was bursting at the seams to ask me more.

I stepped out of Louis' house, making my way to one of the benches that sat outside his somewhat huge back yard. My phone was in my hand as I hesitated to press the call button. I needed someone to vent to, and the only person I could do that to was Mark. I just didn't want to put this on his plate with everything else he had going on.

The next few weeks were going to be hectic for him. He picked up after the third ring, a loud yawn greeting me.

"Bit early to be tired don't you think?" I mused, a silly grin taking over my lips.

"Ha ha" He retaliated, another yawn slipping through. "My personal trainer has hardened the regime and it's taking a toll on me"

My grin slipped slightly. He was working too hard.

"Take a break babe"

"I will be soon, when we go on holiday" I could practically hear the smile in his voice making my own one grow again.

"That's right. We don't have long left now"

He chuckled down the phone.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of you calling me? I thought you were at Louis'"

I sighed.

"I am at Louis'. I just needed a time out"

There was shuffling down Mark's end of the line.

"Tell me more"

"Taylor and Harry are here too"

I proceeded to tell him the whole exchange over dinner. He listened carefully, humming and voicing his input where it was needed. I sighed loudly when I had finished telling him everything.

"Do you want me to come over?"

"Oh god no Mark. You need to rest" It was kind of him to offer, but I felt like I was asking too much from him.

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