Chapter 45

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A/N: You guys are definitely going to enjoy this chapter. 

Stay lovely xx. 

Zayn- Pillowtalk 

It feels like minutes, hours have passed since Harry had embraced me in a hug, but at the same time it felt as though no time had passed at all. I wondered how long it had been, I wondered if Louis knew that Harry had left the table because I had left my table. 

It didn't take rocket science to put two and two together. The dessert was probably here too. I always looked forward to dessert in a restaurant. Just the thought of my tiramisu made my mouth water. 

I shake my head to get rid of my wayward thoughts, a movement that does not go unnoticed by Harry. 

He pulls away slightly, our faces just inches apart. 

"Why are you shaking your head?" His voice is soft. Yet it carried that grit I had become accustomed too from when we were young teenagers. 

A light blush creeps onto my cheeks. There was no way in hell I would tell him I was thinking about my dessert. We were holding each other after a long. long time. And all I could think off was dessert? 

I'm an idiot. 

"Do you regret this? Was it a mistake to come? I just wanted to see-" 

I shake my head vigorously, placing a finger against his lips to shut him up. Trust him to think the worst. 

"Oh god no Harry!" I exclaim, staring into his green irises. I'd missed those eyes. Those eyes that haunted my dreams most nights. 

"Then what?" He's curious, his voice muffled by my finger that was still on his lips. I can't help but giggle at the sound, eyes squinting as I try and move my finger away.

But Harry keeps it there, lips pressing gently against it as he leaves a small kiss. I watch the movement intently. 

"I haven't heard you laugh like that in so long" He whispers, eyes looking deep into mine. I feel like I should look away, the moment too intimate for me to handle. But I can't do it. I can't look away. 

"Tell me" 

A ghost of a smile plays at my lips as I shake my head and let out a sigh. He won't let this go. I may as well just make a fool of myself. I mean, its not like we haven't spoken like this in weeks. 

And Harry was familiar of me making a fool out of myself. It was a casual thing in the life of Sydney. 

"Persistent as ever" I say coyly, a breathy chuckle escaping my lips. 

"But if you must know, I was thinking about the dessert that is outside waiting for me" Harry's eyebrows raise and I can't help but roll my eyes. 

"I know, its a stupid thing to be thinking about when I haven't seen or touched you in so long, but you know how much I love dessert! Especially dessert that is coffee based! And you know that if I had a choice I-" 

Harry swiftly cuts me off.

"You would have dessert first, then starter and finally main. But when you tried that in a well renowned restaurant in Australia, the waiter looked as though you had grown two heads and the people around our table thought you were weird. And since then, you have thought it, just never attempted to do it again in a restaurant " 

My mouth falls open as I gawk at Harry. I still remember that evening. It was my first ever time in Australia! I had attempted the whole dessert first thing in London, and it surprisingly worked. But I guess that was because the waiter knew Harry and I and we were regulars at the restaurant. 

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