Chapter 48

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A/N: UPDAAATE!!! How is everyone? This chapter seems very calm doesn't it? Ooooooooooo. 

Piamlove- Hiding my heart. 

"Are you sure you have everything?"


"Are you positive? Last time you went away, you forgot your phone charger. I can't deal with hearing how low your battery is throughout the plane journey" 

"I have everything" 

"You're sure?" 

"Yes Mark! Just get in the car!" 

I let out a huff as I walk behind Mark to the hired car. Inwardly, I make sure I had packed my phone charger. They're easily accessible, but I hated having to buy a new one just because I left my one at home. 

Mark opens the car door and allows me to scoot in first. He then follows, closing the door and telling the driver that we are good to go. 

"I can't wait for this holiday" Mark breathes out. 

I nod my head, thankful for the short break. Mark had been working hard training and it was obvious why he needed the break. The physical activities causing him a massive drain of energy. 

I on the other hand, am mentally drained. I needed this break for a different reason. I just needed to get away and enjoy a different scenery. 

My phone buzzed as the car came to a halt at a red light. It was Lou. 

She wished me well on our travels and demanded photos of the new bikinis she had helped me pick out. I can't help but giggle. 

I quickly type out my response and put my phone away. 

I close my eyes, thinking about the last few days. 

After my encounter with Harry, I had bumped into him one last time. On the day I had gone shopping with Lou, she had decided to invite him over for dinner in one of our favourite local restaurants. 

I had shouted at her, telling her and him that I didn't want to see him. That I didn't want to speak to him. But she brushed it off like it was water on her wings. She didn't care. 

His eyes were glassed over when he looked at me, listening to me complaining. 

Lou finally rolled her eyes and left us both to it. 

I continued to huff and moan at how I didn't need this. How I just wanted to focus on my time away with Mark. How I wanted to spend some time with a friend and forget about everything that had happened in the past few months. 

"You know, I don't want to be here too" 

My gaze snaps to his, watching that aggravating look in his face. 

"Then why did you come" 

He scratches the back of his head and looks away. He doesn't say anything for a long while and I wonder where Lou had disappeared off to. 

No one takes a toilet break this long. 

"Because I wanted to see you one last time before you left" 

I let the words settle in the air and don't respond. I had nothing to say to his words. It's always like this. It's always him saying touching words and next thing I know, I'm putty in his hands. I don't want that to happen anymore. 

"Okay" I finally respond with the simplest of answers. I didn't need to complicate things further. I didn't need to say anything else. 

I look away, finding interest in the food I had ordered but hadn't touched. We were in a table in the back of the restaurant, away from bystanders. 

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