Chapter 24

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A/N: UPDATE! Plus term holidays in the UK! Which means I have extra time on my hands to write a little quicker than usual. (Well I'm hoping I update quicker) Let me know what you think! Comment and vote.

Stay lovely xx.

I woke up to the sounds of someone cooking in the kitchen. It was past 2am when Harry and I had come back to Anne's and we decided to cuddle a little longer on the sofa. At 6am, he went back upstairs to Taylor and I was alone to ponder over my thoughts. Who would have thought I would've gone through the past, present and future all in one day.

I didn't want to disturb Gemma by going into her bedroom so early in the morning, so I stayed lying down on the sofa. Harry had draped his shirt over the top half of my body before he went upstairs. I tugged it over my already fully clothed body as I walked into the kitchen. Whoever was cooking was making it very hard for me to go back to sleep, the smells intoxicating.

"Something smells delicious" I mumbled, making Anne look over her shoulder.

"Did I wake you love?"

"No, I was more or less awake already"

"Meaning?" She asked, tossing the cooked pancake on the pile next to the stove. She poured the pancake batter before turning her body to look at me, a puzzled look on her face.

"I didn't get much sleep" I muttered under my breath, suddenly finding the chipped paint on my nails more fascinating.

"What time did you and Harry come home last night?"

"Not that late" My voice was whiney and childish.

"Sydney" I looked up, a stern mothering look on her face, one that says 'I know everything so it's best if you don't lie'.

"Maybe around 2am" Her stare hardened, and I was forced to continue. "And maybe we stayed awake until 6am"

Anne smiled in triumph before turning around and putting her focus back on the pancake. I wanted to tell her more, about the realisation of my love for Harry but I felt limited. In the sense that she was the mother of a boy who was about to get married.

"Now, that wasn't so hard was it?" I shook my head even though she couldn't see me. "Now go upstairs, brush your teeth, shower and change. Breakfast will be ready soon"

I nodded, and again I noted how she couldn't see me. It was weird how much of a mum Anne is to me. I had two mothers and I wouldn't change them for the world. I headed for the stairs, planning on doing everything Anne had commanded me to do.


I showered and dressed in a plain black top, Harry's shirt from the day before pulled on top. I couldn't be bothered with fully dressing myself, and it smelt like him. That was an added bonus. I looked in the mirror, brushing my fingers through my hair before taking a deep breath.

When I was sure I was ready to see everyone again after my little departure last night, I descended the stairs. I could hear the light chatter as they enjoyed the breakfast Anne had cooked. The muffled sound of a phone buzzing momentarily confused me. I walked towards the source of the sound, noticing it was mine.

Mark's name flashed on the screen and my heart rate picked up. I had completely forgotten to call him last night! And I hadn't thought of him once since my revelation about my feelings towards Harry. My heart sunk into the pit of my stomach.

I slid the green bar as I stood in the doorway, watching everyone eat. Anne and Robin smiled as I motioned to the phone making them nod.


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