Chapter 7

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A/N: Please vote and tell your friends if you enjoy my fanfiction :) it will make me update so much quicker!!


A little smile crept onto my face as I held my phone in my hand, thinking it was Mark with a quirky reply to my text in hope to brighten my mood. But when Harry's name came a light on the screen, my heart dropped to my stomach and my mouth went dry. I shouldn't be feeling this nervous and anxious to read a message from my best friend...

I hesitantly opened the text message to find four simple words. No kisses, no sorry and no smiley faces; just a statement... or a demand, whatever you want to call it.

"Come to mine now" it read.

A million unnecessary questions circled my head. What did he want? Was he hurt? Why does he want me there? I thought he was busy with Taylor.

Urgh Taylor, I don't think I can cope being in the same room as Taylor right now. I'm emotional and upset about Marks departure, I don't need her and Harry being all cuddly in front of me.

I wiped away the last of the dry tears on my cheeks before replying.

"No thank you. Don't need to watch you and Taylor sucking face, already having a bad day"

I pressed send before standing up and heading to the bathroom. I already know what will happen next. Harry will threaten to come over to mine, I would get ready and eventually be dragged back to his and spend the night.

I might as well fix my face, at least that's one thing out of the way of our circle of stubbornness.

As I finished re-applying my mascara and checking myself one last time in the mirror, I descended the stairs and walked to the corner of my sofa to retrieve my phone. I had received two messages while I was getting ready, both of them sent by Harry.

"I told her to go back to her hotel. Please come Sydney xx."

I couldn't help the smile that covered my face as I read the words. The second text sent me into a fit of laughter, knowing well that I was right to consider him wanting to come over and take me to his.

"Really Sid, you're ignoring me now? You have 10 minutes to reply before I come drag you to mine"

10 minutes ey... The message was sent 6 minutes ago. I decided to wait the remaining 4 minutes before replying. He wasn't exactly the patient type of person and I hated how he could change my mood from being angry at him, to excited to seeing him again.

"God Harry, keep your mop on! I'm on my way"

I pressed send as I walked to my car and headed towards Harry's home.


I didn't know if I should use my spare key or knock on the door. I was still upset at him for the way he had treated me a few hours ago. You don't dismiss someone who's supported you your whole life just because you're having a spatt with your fiancé.

Well I think they argued, why else would he be so angry and rude?

I sighed before unlocking the door to Harry's home and making my way to the living area where I could hear the light chattering from the television.

As expected, Harry had his eyes glued to the telly as he watched a cooking show. His phone was placed on his lap, Harry's eyes would leave the tv screen to look at his phone for a couple of seconds before looking at the screen again.

I stayed quiet behind him as I watched him continue looking at his screen then at his phone. I guess he's expecting me to call or text saying I won't be coming.

Five minutes passed and he still hadn't realised I was in his home. With each clatter in the kitchen of the programme Harry was watching, I'd move to make myself comfortable. I think I should be a spy.

Harry's loud sigh made me jump slightly, it was the first sound he's made since I've come here. His phone was in his hand now as he dialled my number.

My ringtone filled the room and I cursed myself for not putting it on silent. I was enjoying watching nervous Harry.

A soft thud made me fix my gaze with Harry's shocking green ones, his phone on the floor as his hand held his chest.

I could tell from Harry's wide eyes and heavy breathing that my sudden ringtone sound had scared the shit out of him.

"H-How.. When did you get here?" Harry stuttered.

I couldn't control myself as I burst into laughter. I forgot how jumpy he gets.

"It's not funny Sid!! You could have been a murderer! Or a crazy fan! That's happened before you know!"

Harry's little rampage made me laugh harder as I failed to lift myself off of his warm rug and stagger towards him.

"Stop laughing Sydney" his pink lips were pouted as he failed to hide his smile. I probably looked like a drunk lunatic.

I regained my balance and jumped in his arms, my laugh quieting as I held Harry tightly.

"Harry" I whispered into the crook of his neck as I wrapped my legs around his waist. His arms wrapped around the back of my thighs as mine wrapped around his shoulders.  I didn't want to let him go.

"I'm sorry Sid, I didn't mean it I'm so sorry" Harry's muffled voice sounded as we held each other tighter.

"No I'm sorry Haz" I think I'm going to cry again.

Harry's light chuckle tickled against my neck and chest. It was nice listening to that sound again. It's only been a little over 24 hours and I missed him so much.

"You're so silly" he mumbled before slowly walking with me still wrapped around him.

I pulled away to look at his green eyes, trying hard not to focus on the two of us moving. Harry must have noticed my wariness as his arms that are holding my thighs tightened and his palm pushed by back closer into his chest.

"I won't drop you love" he whispered, his breath warm against my face.

"That's what you said last time" I chuckled making him join in too.

The last time Harry had climbed the stairs with me in his arms ended with us both in a pile at the bottom of the stairs. I thank god we only came out of it with a few bruises and no broken bones.

"Just hold me tight and I won't let go" I felt as though his words held more meaning than just falling down the stairs.

His glistening green eyes held so much hope and sorrow, it left me confused. Why was my mop headed beauty upset?

"We have a lot to talk about" I inquired with a raised eyebrow making Harry nod slowly.

We finally reached the top of the stairs as Harry led us both into his bedroom. Slowly he placed me on his bed as I stared at him above me. His hair was in a small pony tail as the remaining dishevelled curls covered his ears.

His body hovered above mine as he gently placed a kiss on my forehead before moving down my body to take my shoes off. I watched at how careful he was being, each movement soft as though he was afraid to hurt me. Harry truly is one in a million. Those who have him in their lives were the luckiest and I am proud to say I am one of them.

Harry's sudden movements pulled me away from my train of thoughts as I watched him lay beside me on his bed.

"So how shall we start this?" Harry asked as I turned my head to the right to face him.

"How about we begin with why you left me in the middle of the night" I was still confused at his actions, he normally wasn't one to leave a warm cosy bed.

Harry's eyes held a lot of untold secrets. He hesitated before replying.

"I forgot that Taylor was staying at mine" He replied and nodded, as though he was trying to convince himself about the words that had just left his lips.

"Come on Harry" I gave him one of my best disappointed looks. It always worked, he hated when he thought I was disappointed in him. A heavy sigh left his lips before he spoke.

"Taylor kept calling and calling. I was scared it would wake you up and she wasn't happy that I was staying at yours" He hesitated before continuing. "She asked if we were sleeping in the same bed and I might have said no"

He scratched the back of his neck as his eyes connected with the white sheets on his bed.

I didn't know how to react to the new piece of information. I completely understood where he was coming from, even Mark wasn't comfortable when me and Harry shared a bed but it was something he never questioned or complained about. I don't understand why Taylor had a problem though, it wasn't as if we were doing anything wrong. We have shared a bed for as long as I can remember, way before she was in the picture. If none of our exes or Mark were ever insecure about us sharing a bed, I don't understand why she was.

"Oh, well that's okay Harry" I replied. Harry's head snapped up as my brown eyes connected with his green ones.

"Really? I thought..." I didn't let him finish the sentence, I already know what he is going to say.

"That I would be mad? Why would I be, I understand" I offered him a warm smile, Harry's face also lighting up.

"Thank god! I thought you would shout or I don't know... Bite me or something" I chuckled lightly as Harry fumbled over his words.

"I bite you even when I'm not mad at you" I attempted to wink at him but instead, it looked like someone had poked me in the eye. Harry erupted into a fit of laughter as I lightly slapped his arm.

"I'm sexy okay!" I shouted over his laughter, finally giving in and joining his laughing fit.

"Now sexy you are" Harry stated with a wink, a proper wink.

"Shut up" I mumbled as I hid my face into Harry's chest.

"Now tell me the deal with Mark" Harry stated after a few minutes of us both catching our breaths from laughing over something that wasn't even that funny.

I looked up from my position against his chest to already find him staring down at me. There was no point trying to dismiss the topic, I knew Harry could read me like a book just by looking in my eyes. Then again, I could do the same when I stared into his green irises.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long to update my new laptop is a pain in the bum! Let me know what you think so far in the comments and please please PLEASE DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND TELL OTHERS :)

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