Chapter 50

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A/N: So, these are the last of the chapters for My Best Friends Wedding. I'm so thankful for my readers who have stayed with me from the start, and the readers that have joined along the way. I have a new story that is in the works after this. 

Kari Kimmel- Nothing Left to Lose 

I returned home with Thor's new bed, toys, collar and other essentials I had picked up on my way back from work. I wasn't comfortable leaving him on his own, since it was a new place for him but I couldn't ditch work. 

So, with permission off Emma, I was able to come home after a couple of hours at a time to make sure he had eaten and he was okay with being alone. 

Each time the door would open, Thor would run to the door and wag his tail, barking in happiness. I couldn't help the smile that graced my face every time I saw him. 

I placed the bed down in the living room and watched as he looked at it, head tilted to the side. I laughed at the sight. 

I had managed to get the pendant on his collar engraved in time to have it returned to me on the same day. I couldn't believe I had a pet to call my own. It filled me with happiness. 

Louis had text me early this morning to tell me he and Zayn would be coming by in the evening when I was back from work before they headed out for Harry's stag party. 

I hadn't realised Harry was having his stag so late, but then again I didn't really have anyone to inform me of the news. I wasn't sure if I cared either. 

I wasn't in the mood to cook for us so I ordered Chinese and waited patiently for the food and the boys to arrive. 

At 5:06 the doorbell rang and I wondered which came first, the boys or the food. But let's be honest, I'd be happy regardless of which came first. 

The smile on my face was huge at the sight of two of my favourite boys. Just as I was about to tell them to come in, the delivery man arrived with the food. 

I told him thank you as we all entered the house. 

"Is it true Harry got you a pup?!" Louis didn't bother with hi's and how are you's, getting straight to the point. I rolled my eyes at him and looked at Zayn. 

"I think what he means is 'hey Sydney, it's good to see you'" I laugh at that, embracing Zayn in a hug. 

"Yeah that's what I meant" Louis' smile is cheeky and I embrace him in a warm hug. 

"It's been too long Zayn!" I beam at him before focusing my gaze back on Louis. 

"And yes Louis, Harry got me a pup" 

At the mention of Thor, he came bounding into the corridor, tongue out and tail wagging. Zayn was the first to crouch down as he went to pet him. 

Both Zayn and Louis were pet people. And they both adored dogs. 

I allow them to get acquainted with Thor whilst I headed into the kitchen to grab plates and cutlery. 

We exchanged more pleasantries as we dished out the food and got settled in the living room. 

"How are you feeling Sid?" Zayn asks as I take a mouthful of my chow mien. I chew the food and swallow before responding. 

"I feel great! I even have a lovely tan to show off at work" My left eye drops in a wink as Zayn snickers, eyes dropping to my arms. 

"Couldn't tell the difference to be honest" I chuck a chopstick in Louis' direction as I scowl. That comment was not needed! 

"I still can't believe Harry got you a puppy" I roll my eyes again at Louis. 

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