Chapter 37

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 A/N: How are my loves today? Has anyone gone out and seen 50 Shades yet? IT'S SOOOOO GOOD!!! 

This chapter is the calm before the storm ;) hope you all enjoy! 

Stay lovely.

Ben Haenow- Something I need

"The tickets have been booked. What made you choose LA anyway?" 

"I just think America will be nice" 

"But why?"

I shrugged my shoulders as Mark gave me the 'you aren't fooling me' look. The truth is, I had a valid reason for choosing Los Angeles. 

I wanted to see Harry's Beverly Hill home again. I wanted to stay in the room he had gone all out for when decorating. I didn't know why, but I felt I might get a little closure being thousands of miles away from him.

It was stupid really, I knew the house would be full of little reminders of Harry. Maybe I might find a few answers to my unasked questions in a home he planned to move into forever. 

"Why didn't you want me to book a hotel Sydney?" Mark asked suspiciously. 

Again, I shrugged my shoulders. Mark didn't know Harry and I had managed to sort out a few things the night before. I also failed to mention to him that Harry and I had kissed. 

But then again, I had promised Harry I wouldn't tell anyone. And anyone included Mark.

I still won't allow myself to open my mind and think about this kiss. For now, it was locked away in a treasure chest, right in the dusty corner of my brain. 

"I can see right through you Sid" Mark continued, speaking in a matter-of-fact tone. 

 I sighed, I had to give him a couple of answers if I wanted the all-knowing Mark to shut up. 

"We're staying in Harry's home up there" 

Mark's eyes widened and I knew he was taken aback by my comment. 

"I thought you weren't talking?" 

"He came over and we managed to sort a few things out" It wasn't a lie but it wasn't the whole truth either.

Mark eyed me suspiciously. He knew I was holding back something and I prayed to god he wouldn't ask me what I was hiding. 

Instead he asked me a question I had not yet considered. 

"What about Taylor? Will she be happy knowing you and I are living in his house in LA? I'm more than positive she doesn't know that you both have spoken" 

I groaned loudly. Why did he have to point it out. 

There would always be set backs in mine and Harry's friendship. With us recently, it feels like two steps forward and ten steps back. I hated it. 

"I hadn't really thought about that" I mumbled. 

All I was really thinking about was spending some time in that room specially designed for me. I had spent so much time in his LA home. I just wanted to be greeted with the bestest of memories and leave the broken ones behind. 

Mark sighed as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me into his side. 

"I'm sorry for mentioning it" He whispered as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. 

"No, no. I'm glad you did Mark" I looked up, staring into his wintry eyes. 

"I completely forgot about that whole situation" 

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