Chapter 20

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A/N: It's my 18th birthday next Wednesday! I'm planning on updating again either this week or the next :) Please vote and FAN. Love you all,

Stay lovely xx.

"I'm taking you out for lunch"

I didn't have time to finish reading the sentence I was on as the unpublished novel was pulled away from me. My eyes lingered on the spot where I had been reading the last line in the chapter in hopes that maybe it would magically appear.

"Your boss said its fine if you come back a little late" I willed my eyes to follow the voice that seemed to have disturbed the calmness within the space of my office. Harry stood in front of my desk with the novel I was reading in his hand, a big grin on his face.

"Making decisions without me again?" I asked, feeling myself drop the argument that had been bubbling up inside of me. I was really enjoying that novel but seeing the smile on Harry's face was more than enough to just let it go.

"Don't I always?" I felt a small smile make its way to my lips. He seems to be getting more and more cheeky each day.

"Cheeky Harry, very cheeky" I mused, standing from my seat behind the desk and grabbing my bag. The weather was fairly warm and I had no intentions on wearing my jacket.

"You like me cheeky"

I laughed at Harry's statement as we waited for the elevator. He was indeed very right, I love cheeky Harry. It made him seem like the 11 year old boy that use to play tricks on me to no avail.



"Are we splitting your lasagne and I split my chicken casserole?"

I nodded my head as the waiter walked away from our table, looking more than star struck over having just taken Harry's order. I tried hard not to laugh at his face as he fidgeted in front of our table.

"Do you even have to ask?" I shot a smile in his direction as he chuckled lightly. We always split our meals and then share desert.

"I suppose not. Do you have any plans for the rest of the day?" I shook my head at Harry's question as I took a sip of my lemonade.

"Not really; eat, read and sleep the usual. You?"

"That's what I wanted to hear" A smile broke out across his pink plump lips; the indent of his dimple becoming more prominent. I wonder what he was planning.

"Want to head down to Cheshire with me? Gem's coming down too and I may have told mum you've already said yes to coming"

I raised an eyebrow as I watched his smile turn into a grin. He knew I could never refuse anything when Anne was involved. I sighed, knowing once again that this was an argument I would never win and it allowed me to see my own mother too.

"I hate you"

Harry cheered and my leg made contact with his as I swiftly kicked him under the table. His only response was wrapping both legs around mine and keeping it there. I looked at him questioningly as I attempted to pull my leg out.

"You can't just kick me and get away with it"

"Please Harry" I pushed my bottom lip out in a pout as Harry began laughing once more.

"Nope. By the way Sid, I've already told your boss you won't be in until next week because you're heading to Cheshire with me" I stared at him like he had grown two heads.

"You knew I'd cave and say yes didn't you?" I looked at him accusingly as he shrugged his shoulders, that dimpled smile never leaving his face.

The waiter came over with the food at that moment and I don't know if he had heard our conversation when he left the table with our order but he had brought an extra plate.

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