Chapter 9

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After dressing in one of Harry's t-shirts which I oh so gracefully tied around my waist to show I actually cared and teaming it off with a high waisted black skirt, I proceeded with doing my hair and make up. Harry had left while I was getting ready to meet Taylor. It was her last day in London before she had to complete the rest of her tour in Europe and he was showing his support by being by her side.

The next time we would be seeing her is at the engagement party. Ever since Harry had dropped the bomb shell of their planned wedding date, myself and Louis didn't have time to prepare. Even though Taylor had chosen Selena to be her maid of honour, it was me doing all the work. Harry calls me his 'best woman' while Louis is the best man.

We were meeting in Louis' home. As he is one of the members of the biggest boy band, it was hard to find a suitable place where we didn't get bombarded with paparazzi. I didn't mind the fans as much, they were all adorable.

I pulled up in Louis' driveway, his brilliant security system granting me access straight into his home. Louis had everything planned out, whereas Harry went the first couple of months without a security system and fans ended up inside his sanctuary.

"Don't you look lovely today" My frenemy greeted me in his squeaky yet deep voice. I knew Louis was referring to the t shirt I was wearing, I could practically see the sarcasm dripping in his statement.

"Still your charming self I see" I reply back, my eyes raking up and down his body as a smirk formed on my lips.

Mine and Louis' love hate relationship is something of a treat to watch. I can see from the corner of my eyes, a gleam of red hair. Looks like Anna is on time for once and from the smirk on her lips I could tell she is enjoying watching me and Louis at it again.

"Now now, don't be a spoilt sport. come here and give me a hug" Louis opened his arms wide as I ran into him. Even when we are cruel to each other, there's no denying the brother/sister relationship we had.

"I've missed you lou" I whisper into his chest. The last time I had seen him was at the airport and that was only a brief encounter.

"It wasn't like you wouldn't see me again Sydney" Louis replied in a cheeky tone.

I lightly slapped his chest as we pulled away from each other.

"A simple I miss you too would suffice" I glared at him before breaking out into a smile. Damn was it hard being mad at these boys.

I looked towards Anna who was standing beside me now. Her beautiful red hair fell over her shoulders in waves, her fair skin contradicting the piercing cloudy green of her eyes.

"Didn't you miss me?" She asked, her eyes gleaming with playfulness.

We had been friends since college and although our personalities clashed, she was still one of the people I hold closest to my heart.

 "I missed you more than I missed Lou" I replied with a childish grin etched across my face. Louis huffed and stomped his feet like a child making me and Anna erupt into a fit of giggles. Now this is a friendship group that meant more to me than anything.

We hugged before making our way to Louis' luxurious cream sofas and vintage looking coffee table which had various papers scattered upon it. I sighed inwardly, today is going to be a long day.

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