Chapter 35

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A/N: Please don't hate me! I took forever to update :( I've been so busy with writing essays and attending places that I haven't had any time on my laptop to write and update :(

I hope this chapter does the wait justice! Please vote and comment your favourite bits. Your comments always put a smile on my face :). And for anyone wondering if the story is going to end soon.............. I have a lot more drama planned ;)

Love you and stay lovely xx.

One Direction- Night Changes

"Maybe you should go away for a while. Get your thoughts together, you know?"

I shook my head. As tempting as that sounded, I didn't need time away and I sure as hell didn't want any time alone. I hated the idea of being alone right now, it would only make me think of everything I've managed to lose in a small amount of time.

"No Mark. And I would never be able to get the time off work. I've already gone past holiday limit" Thinking about it only hurt me more, I had spent more time away from work than ever thanks to Harry and the tour.

Mark sighed as he took a sip of his coffee. We had made it back from the hospital without the need of me staying to be 'examined'. Mark was intent on making me stay, to make sure everything was okay before we left.

While the doctor had been stitching up my wound, Mark had taken it upon himself to go back to Harry's and retrieve my keys and belongings. He wouldn't tell me if any words had been exchanged, or whether Taylor was still there.

He merely handed me my stuff and sat beside me, taking my hand in his.

"I knew you would say that" He mumbled under his breath. I rolled my eyes.

"Because it's true"

"Well what if I told you I could get the time off for you?"

I looked at him suspiciously. How would he manage that? Everyone at work, including my boss, absolutely adored Mark. Just like they adored Harry.

Did he posess the same power of persuasion as Harry?

"I don't want to be alone in a different country" I muttered, looking at the mug cupped inbetween my hands. It was a personalised mug that consisted of photos of me and Mark.

"What if you didn't have to go alone?"

My head shot up at his words, eyes wide. I was greeted with a small smile and a shrug of the shoulders. Mark looked away, as though he was afraid I would still reject the offer of having some time away.

"You mean, you would come with me?"

"Yeah, if you want me to" He responded nonchalantly, shrugging his shoulders once more.

A smile broke out across my face as I looked at him. He was nervous, that was for sure. I understood why though, there was still some holes in our relationship as we broke off the physical side to our relationship but kept the friendship.

"I would love that Mark"

His head shot up, staring at me with wide, unbelieveable eyes.


"Of course"

I nodded my head to emphasise my point. I placed the mug between my knees and leaned over to give him a tight hug.

"Thank you Mark"

His arms wrapped around my waist as he held me tighter.

"You don't have to say thank you. I would do anything to ensure you're always happy"

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