Chapter 6

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A/N: If you enjoy this story PLEASE TELL OTHERS ABOUT IT :)) and the more votes and comments i get, the faster i will update :D enjoy!xx

I didn’t have time to question the events that took place last night as I tried to help Mark get ready for his week away in training. I finally switched my phone on and placed it on the arm rest of the sofa as I waited for it to charge. Mark was leaving in an hour and I wanted to be there to say goodbye.

I quickly ran upstairs and had a power shower. Five minutes. That’s all I managed under the warmth of the water before I dragged myself out the hot stream of warmth against my cool skin. I wanted to shower longer and ponder over my thoughts but I knew I didn’t have enough time.

I heard Mark shout a “see you in a little while babe” before he left my home to go make himself presentable. He had his own section of clothes in my wardrobe, but I knew how nervous he was about this opportunity. I tried to not add to his nervousness, keeping a warm smile on my face and always comforting him with small kisses.

Make-up didn’t take long; my usual natural look consisted of foundation, mascara, blusher and a light lipstick. It was choosing the right outfit that took up most of my time. I always had the problem of wearing something too many times and I was trying to break that habit.

As I opened my wardrobe, I stared at my options. I opted for black skinny jeans and a blue flannel that Harry bought for me. It was one of my favourites and I tried hard not to wear it too much. I was scared of wearing it out, I wasn’t ready to bin it yet and I don’t think I ever will be. I still had the gifts Harry had given me from when we were younger.

A white vest was added with the flannel as I put on some red converse and headed downstairs. As I unplugged my phone off charge, I noticed a few text messages and twitter mentions but I didn’t have enough time to see who they were from. I had 10 minutes before we had to head to the train station. I quickly grabbed my keys and purse and headed out to my car.

Traffic wasn’t too bad as I arrived to Marks within 5 minutes. I waited patiently outside of his house for him to join me in the car. As he stepped out I took the time to admire his attire. His usual skinny jeans adorned his bottom half while his torso consisted of a graphic t shirt and a baseball jacket. He looked amazing as usual. In his hand, he held a carry-on bag for luggage as he placed it in the back seat and joined me in the front.

 The drive to the station involved a lot of comforting words and light conversation as he asked what I was going to do without him. As hard as it was for me to say it, I replied with a simple “probably help Haz and Tay with their wedding”. I didn’t want to be so involved with the wedding but I knew I had no choice.

The car came to a halt as we both exited the car and walked towards the train which would take Mark away from me for another week. No words were exchanged as he held me lovingly in his arms. I didn’t want to cry, I tried hard to keep the tears from seeping through my eyes but I failed miserably.

“Don’t cry Sydney, please” Mark whispered as we pulled away.

I shook my head lightly, I wanted to cry. I was bored of keeping it in now. Mark’s long fingers grazed against my cheek as he wiped away each tear. Lightly, he held my chin and focused my brown eyes with his blue ones.

“My beautiful Sid…” he whispered, I could see his eyes glazing as he tried to hold back tears.

I merely shook my head and embraced him in a tight hug. My arms wrapped around his waist as my head rested on his chest.

“I’ll have to get use to this anyway” I muttered, Mark’s heartbeat soothing me slightly.

“What is that supposed to mean?” I could hear worry in Marks voice as he attempted to pull away but I refused to move.

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