Chapter 11

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A/N: IMPORTANT! Firstly, how amazing was 1D Day? I couldn't stop smiling throughout it! and I've changed a few things in the first couple of chapters. It's not big changes, just a few subtle ones to make sure the story flows well :)

"Have you bought your dress yet?"

"Sydney I'm talking to you, have you?"

"I'm being serious now Sid..."


My head snapped towards the source of the voice as I looked away from my notepad. For the past week this notepad has been my best friend, all my ideas and thoughts jotted down for Harry's and Taylor's engagement party and their wedding. When I wasn't working at the publishing firm, I was round Louis' making sure everything is in order for the groom and bride to be.

We had managed to finish planning and preparing everything within a week and their engagement party will be held in a secret location in London. Because the wedding will be an average sized intimate setting, we decided to have a big engagement for the happy couple.

My social life became none existent within the past week and the only thing keeping me sane is Louis. I truly am grateful for the angel who teases me until I'm ready to tear each strand of hair out of my scalp.

"No Anna" I sighed, finally giving into Anna's nagging after re-checking to make sure everything is intact for the next day.

Planning and sending out invites was much more hectic than predicted thanks to the quick wedding date which was spontaneously planned. The morning after Me and Eleanor had completed the invites, I had made it my number one priority to have it in the post office before 10am so it could be in everyone's post box the next day. And with mine and Louis' brains put together, we managed to have everything ready and ensured everyone knew what is expected for the party.

"Come on, we are going shopping!" Anna bellowed down my ear as I stared at the venue. It was an elegant hall suitable for big parties like this one. The middle of the hall had been transformed into a dance floor while tables scattered around it. Lanterns hung from the ceiling as planned while a stage had been prepared for the DJ and speeches.

"No please! I want to see Mark, it's been over a week and I haven't seen him. I miss him, please let me see him! Please!" I practically cried the words to Anna as she shook her head in response, keeping her ground.

I tried giving her my best puppy dog eyes and pushed out my bottom lip, but from the harsh stare emitting from my red headed friend, I knew my attempts to get my own way had failed.

"He's coming tomorrow right?" I nodded my head in response.

"Then you can have a fairy tale get together here... TOMORROW" Anna made sure she spent extra care as she pronounced each word as if I found it difficult to hear.

"But Harry... I have to make sure he has ever...." before I could finish my sentence, I was rudely cut off.

"I have Harry under control. Go put your hair down and buy a dress! You don't want to turn up in a bin bag now do you?" The playfulness is evident in his voice as Louis stood in front of me.

"Hey! I could pull off a bin bag okay!" I retaliated making Lou chuckle in reply.

"I'm sure you can Sid, now hurry along. I've got this" Louis replied with a proud smile on his face.

My Best Friend's Wedding [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now