Chapter 33

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A/N: I usually update at 9pm UK time but I was too busy packing that I lost track of time and now, I'VE UPDATED AN HOUR LATE! Sorry everyone. I wanted to give you guys another update before I move Saturday.

I thought I would swerve past anymore drama and stick with some Harry and Sydney moments :') I've missed those! If you see any typos, I apologise. I'm going to read through and correct myself after I click the publish button.

Please vote, comment, fan and leave me some feedback. Don't think you annoy me because I LOVE your comments :) Love you all.

---------------- Hi drunk Harry.

Only Love Can Hurt Like This by Paloma Faith- Press play. (She has a beautiful voice and I adore this song!)

Stay lovely xx.

He was fast asleep on the sofa, soft snores escaping through his parted lips. A half empty bottle of whisky stood on the coffee table, an indication that he had been drinking before drifting into a deep sleep. He always had a weird old fashioned taste in alcohol.

The door had been unlocked making me wonder if he had stumbled in already drunk or had gotten drunk in his home and forgotten to lock the door.

I took a step closer to his sleeping body, leaving a wet trail on his clean wooden floor. I was dripping wet from the rain outside and now I was making a mess in his home. I questioned myself again, what was I doing here?

I placed my hand on his arm, lightly shaking him to wake up, The contrast in our body heat almost had me pulling away. Just how long was I standing outside for?

The sight of him up close had me momentarily forgetting what I had initially come here for. I told myself continuously it was for the comfort but I knew better. I just wanted to hold the person I love.

"Harry?" I whispered, feeling him stir under my touch.

"Harry wake up"

He continued to stir, uncomfortable murmurs escaping his lips. I whisper his name a few more times until finally, his eyes fly open. The sight has me taking a step back. Red rimmed his eyes, and they were void of any emotion. I had never seen his green eyes so lifeless.

It took a few seconds for him to take in his surroundings. Finally, his eyes landed on me and a confused look took over his tired face.

"Sydney, is that- Is that you?" His words were slurred. He was still drunk from the alcohol running through his veins.

"Yeah, what happened Harry?" I asked, going straight to the point. What was wrong? It had to be bad if he was drinking half a bottle of whiskey.

"I got thirsty" A tired, cheeky smile took over his lips. His eyes were half closed as he attempted to sit up right. I quickly shuffled closer, balancing his weight on me and helping him sit up.

"That's not funny Harry"

"Ewwwwwww, you wet Sydney!" He spoke in a childish voice, shooing my hands away from him. It was funny to hear. mixed in with his deep, morbid voice, it was something of a pleasure to hear.

It was only then that I realised I was still soaking from the rain outside.

"You made m' t-shirt w- wet Sydney" He continued, his voice small and childish. If I didn't know better, emotional drunk Harry was breaking through. This couldn't be good. I quickly thought of something to do and say, to stop him from breaking out in tears.

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