Chapter 41

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A/N: CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS ARE JUST ROUND THE CORNER!! No more deadlines after this week! 

How is everyone? So this chapter, this chapter made me feel a lot as I wrote out the words and I hope it makes everyone feel something too. 

People are asking me if I am continuing the story and its a yes! I just have less time to write now. So I try and make the chapters a little more special for my readers. 

Thank you for baring with me and for being patient! It means the world to me! Please comment and vote if you like it! I haven't proof read so let me know of any mistakes :) 

Stay lovely xx.

Jessie Ware- Say you love me

I was sat on one corner of the sofa while Harry sat in the other. Taylor had taken it upon herself to seat herself in front of us. I felt like I was being tested and Taylor was the examiner. 

I knew I should say something about the elephant in the room, I just didn't know where to start. 

For the past two minutes, Harry would take a deep breath and open his mouth to say something. But then he would look at Taylor and go silent again. I wondered if there were things on his mind he couldn't speak about now that Taylor was here too.

I know I feel like that. 

"I don't want any of this any more Harry" I was the first to speak. My voice was small and tired. I punched myself numerously in my head for sounding so weak. 

"Any of what Sydney?" There was a terrified look in his eyes. This whole situation isn't easy on him. For the most part I've been thinking about myself, but he was 50% of this. We were in the same boat. 

"It shouldn't be this hard. This friendship or someone falling in love" I take a deep breath. 

"I hate that everyone is going crazy because someone decided to admit their feelings. It shouldn't be like that, we should be allowed to speak about our feelings" 

I heard a loud 'tsk' sound coming from where Taylor was sitting but I didn't give her the satisfaction by looking at her. 

"I'm sorry. I should have told you sooner about how I felt. I was scared about what you would say but now I know if I had done, we could have avoided all of this" 

Harry's eyes were brimming up with tears when he said this and I didn't like that. 

"If you had admitted it earlier, where would I fit into all of this Harry?" Her voice was cold, her eyes never leaving Harry. She was challenging his words and I was scared it was all going to blow out of proportion.

"I can't help who I fell in love with first Taylor" Harry shot her down so quickly, it made my heart speed up. 

She was going to blow. I could feel it. Its going to happen.

But she didn't get a chance to speak as Harry continued. 

"You wanted to sit in on me and Sydney talking so you have to accept what we say. Even if you don't like it. I'm getting tired of you telling me what to do now Taylor" 

Taylor's rage doubled, her cheeks tingeing red from anger.

"I'm your fiancée, I can tell you what to do and I deserve to know what you say to the other girl you love"

Harry chuckled at her statement. 

"You don't get to pick and choose who I'm friends with either. Whether it's Sydney or the boys" 

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