Chapter 3

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Fickle Friends - Wake Me Up

Stay lovely x.

By the time I had arrived back home it was late. I place my purse and keys on the hooks in the corridor, taking off my shoes in the process.

Harry had his back to me as I entered the living room, his full concentration on the programme he was watching on the television. He seemed intent on having his full attention on the programme, his legs crossed as he sat in front of the TV, completely disregarding the sofas behind him.

"Anything interesting?" I ask, in hopes to make him aware that I was home.

He only hums in response.

My feet padded across the cold wooden floor, as I make my way closer to my best friend who seems to not take interest in my presence. That begins to annoy me.

He's here in my house, ignoring me.

How rude.

I take a seat beside him, moving a little closer so our bodies touched. I place my head in the crook of his neck trying to get some response out of him.

He only sighs, his green eyes still glued to the telly. I stare in his eyes in hopes that they would meet my brown ones but when he continues to take no interest, I decide to do what I know works best to gain his full attention.

I had to make him jealous.

"I think I'll call Niall and ask him to come over" I make sure the sheer excitement was evident in my voice as I pull out my phone. But he only gives me a little head nod in response.

This boy was beginning to bug me to no avail. I hate being ignored in my own home. I quickly dial Niall's number and wait for him to pick up. I mentally prayed he would actually pick up, in order for my plans to fall in place.

He picks up on the second ring.

"Hey love"

His strong Irish accent floats through the speaker and a smile instantly spreads across my face. Niall seemed to have that effect with everyone though. Just the sound of his voice manages to put a smile on anyone's face.

"And how is my bestie doing?" I ask happily.

That seems to get Harry's attention as his gaze snaps away from the television and onto me. I try my hardest to hide the smirk on my face as I lay down with my head in his lap and stared at the ceiling, not giving him the satisfaction of having my attention.

Two can play the ignoring game and I planned on winning.

"Better now" Niall replies in a cheeky tone.

I make sure to discreetly put the volume of my phone up, making sure Harry could hear Niall's responses. I hoped Niall understood what I was doing.

"Do you have any plans tonight?"

"Not that I know of, why?"

I can still feel Harry's hard gaze on me but I don't bother looking to my side, my eyes wandering and landing on the unknown programme on the telly.

Just as I was about to ask Niall whether he wanted to come over, Harry grabs the phone out of my hand and cuts the line. I sit up and stare at him in astonishment as he places the phone on the ground.

His eye brows were furrowed as he focuses back on me again.

"Hey! Why did you do that? I was talking to my bestie" I exclaimed in a childish voice, knowing it would piss him off further.

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