Chapter 25

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A/N: It's up, it's up, ITS UP! How are all my beautiful readers? I started at my new job today and I am knackered! Who would've thought setting up a retail store would include so much DIY? Please comment and vote, It means so much to me! I love you.

Stay lovely xx.


"I'm sorry Sydney! I thought you wouldn't min-"

"Mind? MIND?! OF COURSE I MIND!" I bellowed down the phone, my voice dripping with accusation.

"I promise to take you with me when you're back. You can meet them, speak to them. Backstage passes included, EVERYTHING!" Niall rushed down the phone, making promises I know he will keep. It still didn't stop me from  guilt tripping him. He went to see my one of my favourite bands without me.

"You don't even like music like that! You only know about them because of me Ni!"

"I know Sydney! And that's not true, I'm open to all types of music!" He sounded so offended, I had to press my hand against my mouth. Stopping myself from laughing out loud at his offence.



I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing. It's unbelievable how easy it is to wind Niall up and I found great pleasure whenever he was at the end of my wrath. Normally it would be Niall and I to wind someone up, that someone mainly being Harry.

"I don't like you" I heard him mumble making me laugh louder.

"That's right, you love me" I mused, ceasing my laughter. I took a deep breath, shaking my head. A smile played at the corner of my lips as I heard Niall snicker down the line.

"You think you have me all figured out Sid" He spoke sarcastically, earning another loud chuckle on my part.

"I try babe, I try" Niall laughed loudly, the sound warming my entirety. Niall has one of the best laughs, a laugh that can make people happy just by hearing the sound.

"When are you coming back? I can arrange something with the band"

"End of the week. Although, I'm hoping to come home sooner. Don't think I'm wanted here" Niall must have heard the little tinge of hurt in my voice as he suddenly turned serious, all joking aside.

"What's going on Sid?" His voice was laced with concern making me smile momentarily. I'm so glad I met this boy all those years ago.

"I shall exchange my story for tickets. Plus I'm positive these walls can hear our conversation" I added a little cautiously, looking by the doorway. I didn't need anyone listening in. Niall hummed in agreement.

"Okay love, let me know if you need anything"

"I will Ni, speak soon"

i placed my phone in the back pocket of my jeans, walking out of the living room and into the corridor. Speaking to Niall was refreshing, he always made me feel better without having to try. He had this natural happy, alluring aura about him.

I walked into the kitchen, spotting Robin and Anne outside in the garden, a cup of hot beverage in both their hands. They smiled as I strolled past and took a seat on the ground. I was thankful that the weather was nice and dry today.

"Hello love" Robin greeted me warmly and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. We exchanged pleasantries, they hadn't seen me since yesterday at breakfast.

"I was wondering if I could ask Mark to come down?" I eagerly asked, hoping they wouldn't mind. I didn't want to offend their company. I just needed Mark around.

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