Chapter 27

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A/N: I just want to start off with a massive thank you to my readers. You don't understand how happy you make me :) thank you for being so patient with me and thank you for reading my story! I'd like to dedicate this chapter to Libby, your messages always make me smile! Enjoy the chapter.

Please comment, vote and fan! The more reads I have on my story, the quicker I will update!

The song I've attached to the chapter is Wreckage and Bone by Tired Pony. I adore Tired Pony.

Stay lovely xx.

I stood frozen on the spot, my mind and heart taking time to process the boy in front of me. Niall's arms were still around my waist, holding me tightly as though he was afraid I would fall without his support. I mentally thanked him for not letting go. I felt dizzy.

"What did you say?"

I could hear but I couldn't process. A loud ringing sounded in my ears. Was this the calm before the storm? My heart beat began thumping at a steady pace once more, the clogs of my brain turning. Only one thing was missing. The air in my lungs.

"Sydney?" Niall's voice was loud in my ear, his face coming into view. Why could I see three Niall's?

"Sydney, answer me!"

His voice was distorted, the ringing becoming louder and louder by the second. All of a sudden I felt claustrophobic, like the walls around me were closing in. Niall's tight hold was a disadvantage for my now half conscious self. A second voice sounded but I couldn't make out what they were saying. The room became dark and my legs gave way.

I thanked the arms that stayed wound around me as they caught my fall.


"It's been two hours now, why isn't she waking up?!"

"Mate, calm down. She's fine"

"No, we should have taken her to the hospital!"

The contrast of the two voices rang in my ears. The calm, soothing voice, laced with a heavy accent caressed my ear drums; while the raspy voice boomed making my ear drums waver.

My body felt heavy, as though something was pinning my muscles down onto the soft bed I was now lying on. I became aware of the cold air on my arms and legs. It seems as though they had removed my shoes and sweatshirt.

"That's the first time she's ever collapsed" Harry's voice was barely a whisper now, he sounded worried. I attempted to open my eyes, to look at him but I couldn't.

The memories of why I had collapsed in the first place flooded back in my mind, and a wave of nausea settled. Why did Harry have to be here? Why did he have to hear my confession? It was the initial shock of seeing and hearing Harry that made me faint.

"Has her body cooled down yet?" I heard Niall ask. He seemed closer to me than Harry, yet he wasn't the one to touch me. I recognised the touch that lightly skimmed up my arm and across my cheek. What happened next was beyond any forces in my body. My lips moved and the word seeped through without my minds permission.


His movements ceased and I knew he was frozen. I tried again to open my eyes. The dimmed lighting seemed foreign to my brown eyes as they closed and opened, adjusting. The water line of my eyes felt like sand paper, slowly grating at each other as I tried to focus. Harry was towering over my laid body while Niall sat beside my legs.

"Hey beautiful" Niall whispered, a small smile on his lips. Even in my weakened state, I couldn't help but reciprocate the smile. Even if it took most of my strength just to smile, it was worth it. He lightly tapped my leg. "You had us worried there"

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