Chapter 23 Part Two

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 A/N: I always make my readers wait for long periods of time and I feel horrible! It's not my intentions to keep you waiting, I've just been busy with finishing my assignments for college. I finish in four weeks FOREVER which means I'll have a solid four months to update to my hearts content before University and write for longer periods of time! I hope you enjoy the chapter! Please let me know what you think,

Stay lovely xx.


It's been two days since my encounter with Harry and his band member, Niall. Gemma had been over, explaining how the band will be staying there for a couple of days. She held me in her arms, like a big sister, and rocked me to sleep. She was supportive and she understood. Regardless of the fact that Harry was her brother, she knew there was wrong in his decision. But it is a decision that is unchangeable.

She told me how he had changed his number and that was the reason why the text messages stopped. He didn't have my number but I was more than positive he could have gotten it off Gemma or Anne. I however, did not question it.

There was a knock on my bedroom door and my mother walked in with a neatly wrapped box in her hands.

"This is for you" She said as she walked towards me and placed the box on my crossed legs. I looked down at the plain white wrapping paper, a small note on top.

"Who is it from?"


She smiled as my face contorted into an expression that portrayed confusion. Why was Niall sending me a present? I watched my mother walk out of my room before picking up the note. The writing was neat, I was impressed. Compared to Harry's, this was A-class writing.

I shook my head, clearing my mind of my wayward thoughts. I think a little Harry lives up there.

I read the words scribed on the paper:

"Just a small sorry for our first encounter the other day. It was lovely to meet you Sydney.

Niall x"

Inside the small box was a brand new IPod and my heart clenched at how thoughtful he was. He didn't have to buy me a new one. Hell, I couldn't accept this.

I jumped off my bed and grabbed the first articles of clothing within arms length and chucked them on. I was too lazy to tie the shoe laces of my white converse so I decided to tuck them into the side, with no socks, and ran out of my bedroom, the box in hand.


Maybe I didn't think this through properly. I was standing outside of Harry's home, my hand in mid air, ready to knock on the door. Was I ready for confrontation if he was here? I came to speak to Niall, but what if I bumped into Harry? I mean, this is his home. I knocked on the door once and within a few seconds, the door flung open and there stood Anne with a huge smile on her face.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to knock" The smile on her face was teasing yet warm and understanding. I offered her a smaller one in return and stepped into the house. It feels like I hadn't been here for years.

"I'm just a little nervous" I mumbled, swallowing the lump wedged in my throat. There was animated chatter coming from the living room and I had a feeling all the boys were in there. Could I do this? Was I mentally prepared?

"One step at a time love" Anne whispered behind me and I nodded, saving my voice just in case it decides to disappear when I come face to face with Harry. I walked towards the living room, deep breaths escaping through my lips.

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