Chapter 4

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[Currently editing which is why this chapter is short] 

I woke up the next morning to empty sheets and the morning hue shining through the crack of my curtains. I was expecting to be welcomed by the familiar mop of brown locks that belonged to my best friend, but he was nowhere to be seen.

I lay still for a second, trying to listen out for any movements around the house but nothing sounds out of the ordinary. I reach over for my phone on my bed side table to find a note beside it.

'Tay called me home. I'll text you in the morning.

Sleep well! – Harry x'

In my sleep induced state, I didn't really question it, but as I dragged my body out of bed and put my toothbrush in my mouth, I couldn't help but frown.

Text in the morning? Does that mean he left during the night? My mood seemed to crumble at the thought. I wasn't sure why, but the whole ordeal bothered me way more than it should.

With a heavy sigh, I get in the shower and get ready for the day. My smile makes an appearance when I'm munching on some toast an hour later, Marks name flashing on the screen of my phone.

I pick up on the first ring.

"Eager?" He jokes as I place my legs on the coffee table in my living room.

"You could say that" There's an air of cheekiness in my tone. I can hear voices and movement in the background, sparking my curiosity.

"What's all that noise in the background babe?"

"I'm just leaving the training grounds, we had a heavy session this morning" I nod my head to accept his answer. A door closes, and I assume he has exited the changing rooms.

"Speaking of training, I have some good news"

"Go on" I say, smiling at the hint of excitement that laces his voice.

"I've been asked to go back to Italy for more training" He says and my heart beat stutters in my chest. My smile instantly grows, and I stand, the piece of toast still in my hand as I jump and cheer around the room.

"Baby, that's AMAZING!! I knew it! I knew they would call you back down there!" Mark is laughing at my reaction and my cheeks hurt from smiling so much.

"I know babe! I really need to kiss you right now so I'm coming over" He says, and I hear his car door slam shut. My stomach flips at his words.

"I hate it when you say things like that" I whisper, sitting back down on the sofa.

"And why is that?" He asks, curious.

"Because a million butterflies dance in my stomach and it makes me feel sick" My voice is barely a whisper.

There's a long pause between us. I can hear him changing the gears in his car, can hear his steady breathing. A few seconds pass before he speaks once more.

"Now I really, really need to kiss you right now" Mark says, his voice soft, my heart stutters again.

"I have something else to tell you" He whispers, and my breath catches in my throat.

"What is it?"

"I leave tomorrow" I knew he was holding his breath, waiting for my reaction. My heart beat stops for a second and then beats all at once. Mark had only come back a couple of days ago and he was going away from me again.

The thought alone makes my heart sink. I don't want to be away from him again.

"I've only just got you back though" I whisper, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"I know babe" I can hear the sadness in his voice. "I wish you could come with me, Sid"

The raw emotions in his voice causes something to snap within me. I didn't want him to be sad because of me. This was an amazing opportunity for him. I fight back the tears and clear my throat before responding.

"Don't worry babe! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I want you to embrace it" I hope the sincerity shines through my words.

"How long are you going to be? I have a lot of kisses and cuddles I need to shower you with, so you don't forget me on your trip" I say jokingly and Mark laughs.

"I'll be there in 20. Do you want me to pick anything up on the way?"

"I'm happy with just you"

Mark chuckles and I can picture him shaking his head at my cheesiness. We say our goodbyes before I cut the line.

I slump back into the corner of my sofa as a stray tear falls freely down my cheek. It's hard, being the girlfriend of a rising football player and it was hard being the best friend of a huge popstar.

I always thought the goodbyes would get easier, but every time I say bye to Mark, it gets harder and harder. My emotions for him have only heightened since getting together and it scared me to think about how hard it would be when he inevitably gets scouted by a team.

We may have not said 'I love you' to each other, but our actions and our emotions echoed those words. I still couldn't believe how Mark had respected my wishes to wait on exchanging those words.

My phone buzzes in my hand and I look down to see Harrys name flashing on the screen.

"Spending the day with Tay, hope you didn't mind me leaving xxx." It read.

I decide not to reply. I was still pretty bummed at the fact that he left in the middle of the night. I wasn't sure why and I didn't have the brain power to ponder of it.

I shut my phone off and place it on the coffee table. I quickly run upstairs, wanting to make myself a little presentable for Mark.

I was going to make the most of the time I had with him and I try and ignore the little voice in the back of my mind that keeps reminding me that our time together is shortening against our will.


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